Environmental effects of DDT DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane (DDT) is an insecticide that was used to kill mosquitos and other insects between 1939 and 1972. It is a colorless, tasteless, crystal like and almost odorless chemical. DDT, C14H9Cl5 (Figure 1), was discovered by the chemist Zeidler in 1874 (DDT, 2000). In 1939, Paul Herman Müller (a chemist), discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT. Paul was looking for a pesticide so powerful that even if an insect flew over it it would die. He conducted his experiment by putting blue bottle flies in a glass box with different chemicals applied to the glass. Then he would see how they would react and DDT worked remarkably well. In fact, it continued to kill the flies even after the glass was washed. For the glass to actually be sterile it had to undergo immense washing and had to be aired out for at least one month. Müller was awarded the Noble prize for Physiology and medicine in 1948 for his great discovery (Borel, 2013). Since Müller discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT, it has been used worldwide as an effective insecticide. It was used in WWII as an insect repellent against Malaria and Typhus-carrying insects in the US, Germany and other countries. The soldiers would run through a continuous spray of DDT (Figure 2), so that there was a thin…
Carson claims “In nature nothing exists alone” (51). She substantiates this claim through her explanation of the presence of arsenic in our drinking water. Using arsenical insecticides on plants leaves arsenic in the soil. Our rain water then takes the arsenic into the water table. Just because the arsenic isn’t sprayed directly in a water source doesn’t mean that it won’t ultimately reach the water table. Her quote reminds us that direct contact of harmful chemicals isn’t necessary to result in…
Restricted use of DDT is allowed for fighting the mosquito species that carries malaria. Research and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using DDT. Be sure to point out what DDT stands for. Type one page, single-spaced in 12 point font. Cite your sources (15 points). DDT is a synthetic organic compound used as an insecticide. Like other chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, DDT tends to persist in the environment and become concentrated in animals at the head of the food chain. Its use is now…
Summary Model Bifenthrin Concentration Prediction The prevalence of bifenthrin in urban Sacramento waters is most likely explained by their wide availability in for the control of ants. Although application amounts reported by professional applicators are not 100 percent correct and that of homeowners are not reported, data from the DPR PUR database indicates that bifenthrin is heavily applied by applicators in urban Sacramento. Additionally, these pyrethroids have a longer half-life than some…
Pesticides kill 26 people a year, hospitalize 1,419, and send 20,116 to health clinics to be treated. Pesticides are the only toxic substances that we release intentionally into our environment to kill living things, this includes chemical substances to kill weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides), rodents (rodenticides) and many others. Farmers, landscapers, and commercial pesticide applicators apply about 1 billion pesticides a year to agricultural land, urban areas,…
use of Boric acid which contacts the cockroach and tears up the intestinal gut wall. The most common of these belong to the chemical classes called pyrethroids. They kill by disrupting the insect’s nervous system, each in a specific manner. The insect growth regulator hydro-prene is used in some formulations. One important factor when applying these insecticides is following the label instructions thoroughly because the improper use of these chemicals can cause severe damage human body. The…
Spring, she addresses the issue of killing insects and other pests with poisonous chemicals in the form of pesticides and insecticides to help produce more crops. The basic thesis in Silent Spring is that the prolonged use of pesticides in uncontrolled amounts is directly responsible for many extreme health hazards and even the death of animals and humans. Carson begins the book with a chapter describing the beauty of an area where everything seems to be working in harmony, until a sickness…
the bee population is diminishing due to multiple factors, yet the primary factor is a class of insecticide chemicals acknowledged as neonicotinoids or neonics. The neonic pesticide is beneficial for various farmers because their crops remained shielded and unharmed from "sap-sucking" and "leaf-chewing" insects ("What Farmers Need to Know About Neonicotinoid Pesticides", 1). However, neonics have acute, harmful effects to bees when initially applied and they can also persist in the environment…
dusters and tractors. Disposal After these neonicotinoids are used up, they stay on the plant and then eventually end up in the soil. Many sources of water are nearby any farming operation, so many of these chemicals are just gathered up in pools and sometimes even go down streams into rivers and so on. As for individual use, insecticides may end up doing the same, just on a smaller scale. However, with residence so close to one another in certain parts of the world, neonicotinoids could affect…
The USDA first registered Malathion for use in 1956. Today it is regulated by the EPA. Malathion is used outdoors to kill various insects and registered for use on food, feed, and ornamental crops. It is colorless to light amber and often has a skunk like odor. Malathion is also often used in shampoos regulated by the FDA for the eradication of head lice. It is a toxic chemical agent whether contact is made via the skin, ingestion, or inhalation. This chemical is considered an organophosphate…