It appears like Japan does not really care about the global ban on whales. It has been reported that Japan will continue their hunting of whales after a 365 day drought. Japan seems convinced about the idea that whales don't deserve to live. It has been announced that Japan will only do it, however, on a limited level and it will not be a full on whale killing spree. SO MANY DISAGREE WITH JAPAN KILLING WHALES There are many environmental groups and various governments that completely disagree with what Japan is doing. The UK and Australian governments spoke out about what Japan is doing and discussed their feelings about what Japan is doing and they were not very good. Many people do not see the need of killing these whales, but it just does not seem like Japan cares that much. It has been reported that Japan is already getting their whaling boats set and ready to sale. It is said that they will be back in the oceans in a week or two. Japan has went on record and explained how their killing of whales is merely scientific, but does that explain why they are reportedly getting eaten? This seems fishy, no pun intended, and it does not seem Japan is giving the full insight. WHY IS JAPAN ALLOWED TO KILL WHALES? The big question that needs to be asked is why on earth Japan can hunt whales? It is said that there is a global ban on whales, so how is Japan getting around this? It is possible that the ban has a statement for this, but it seems odd that Japan can be allowed to…
I do agree with the Norwegian and Japanese position on permitting the hunting of non-endangered species of whales as a cultural exemption. Many countries were founded on whaling including the United States. Whales provided a large resource of food, fuel and luxuries such as perfume. It is still a part of the United States ' culture as there are Native American tribes who still hunt to this day as part of their culture. If you take a moral stance against non-endangered whale hunting then you…
whaling is sustainable. Whales can be thought of as a natural resource, similar to fish and wild game stocks. A country has the right to exploit the natural resources within their borders for any purpose they see fit, with an exemption for exploitation that would endanger another sovereign nation’s natural resources (UN, 1962). Any international attempts made to ban whaling that doesn’t endanger the natural resources of another country is therefore a violation of the sovereign rights of any…
The debate to be evaluated at hand is one that included two renown figures who are well respected in their fields of study. Involved in this meticulous debate was the mechanical engineer and science educator Dr. Bill Nye, along with Christian fundamentalist and young earth creationist Dr. Ken Ham. Dr. Ham believes that creation is a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era. Young earth creationist and professor of Biomimetic and Engineering at University of Bristol Stuart Burgess…
Critical theory is, in my opinion, best defined by Marx(1843), as the ‘self-clarification of struggles and wishes of the age’, a general applicable definition that does not take into consideration a specific historical time, place or political problem. In order to talk about critical theory and its genuinely critical features I believe it is essential to make a clear distinction between critical theories and scientific theories. According to Frankfurt School there are 3 main categories of…
Conflict can cause widespread failure in working practices amongst healthcare organizations. The most common sources of conflict include, destructive mannerisms within specific departments or organizations, ineffective or deficient communication, and unsettled conflicts amongst individuals or groups (Al-Sawai, 2013). If left unresolved, these latency issues may progress from a perceived conflict to actual conflict. Health care leaders must take a suitable approach for handling conflict at all…
conflict in the workplace result in individual insults or aggressiveness, forty-three percent have seen someone being fired, eighty-one percent have observed someone departing the organization due to conflict, and seventy-seven percent of people have seen conflict result in illness or absence (Psychometrics Canada, 2009). According the Conference Board of Canada (DATE???), unresolved conflict can result in employee absence which cost the Canadian economy approximately $16.1 billion in 2012 (as…
Organizations are a living and breathing entity. With this being said it must be understood that all organizations will at some point deal with organizational conflicts. When an organization comes to a conflict it is important to know not only how the conflict was discovered but how it was handled and resolved. Leaders within the organization need to be able to better understand what the conflict at hand is and quickly work towards a resolution. Organizational conflicts can really impact the…
That conflicts will occur in the workplace is a given. Even though everyone comes together for a common purpose, different personality types and conflicts styles impact how and if those conflicts can be resolved. HealthAmerica is no exception. Clarinda Peterson and Kyle Brandon failed in adjusting for their different personalities, did not practice effective listening skills and could have utilized the PUGGS model of conflict management. Leveraging their differences rather than ignoring them…
Conflicts management in care delivery settings By (Student’s Name) Institution Affiliation Date Conflicts management in care delivery settings A description of the unresolved (recurring) conflict that I experienced or observed and Identification of the type of conflict The unresolved (recurring) conflict that I observed was an argument between a senior doctor and an intern nurse in a hospital. The doctor had gone for a closed-door meeting with officials from the ministry of health where…