Discussion Post #3 Technology has clearly changed society’s structure and culture; whereas people once stood in the grocery line reading the magazines, now they check their Facebook status. Whereas kids once fought in the mini-van during the family trip to Florida, kids now play games on their personal devices. Whereas parents once gave their children their undivided attention, their attention is now divided between their kids and their phones. Because technology has become so pervasive in the lives of just about everybody (See Table 1), our world today is different than it was when most adults were in school. Does this mean technology has transformed society and culture? It depends on which dictionary you use to look up the word transform.…
“A Teen Take on Ed Tech” was an article written by Soraya Shockley. This article is about using technology in education. Like everything, this article has its strengths and weaknesses. I felt that the organization, the clarity of the main points, and the focus made this a strong article, even though I felt that the inconsistency of the vocabulary weakened the article, overall I feel that Shockley has a well-written article. In Soraya Shockley’s article teens discuss their point of view, and the…
The article explores a study conducted to see what teachers choose to do to conduct their classes when they have no restrictions and limits, specifically in terms of technology. The study showed that despite the freedom to choose the tool of choice, teachers stuck with power points, which are the most basic “old school” way of teaching a class. Savasci concludes after the study that teachers must increase their “ knowledge and skills about how to use those instructional technologies and help…
The first is on the influence of instructional strategies, especially as they relate to desired learning outcomes and cognitive processing. It is in this area that Mayer started researching and publishing at the beginning of his career, and he continues to make significant contributions to the related knowledge base. The second, though more prominent, area of research for Mayer centers on multimedia learning. He has developed the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, and over time his…
participants as well as the understanding that there are some inherent advantages using online learning technologies in their teaching.” The assumption of barriers entering the study were: “personal barriers, learning style barriers, instructional barriers, organizational barriers, situational barriers, content stability barriers, and technological barriers.” The study comprised of a 31-item questionnaire distributed over several online forums to allow human resource development professionals…
and appealing instruction; it supports coordination among designers, developers, and those who will implement the instruction; it facilitates dissemination of information; it supports the development of alternative delivery systems; it facilitates consistency among objectives, activities, and assessments; and it provides a systematic framework for dealing with problems (p. 8-9). As with any process, there are limitations of systematic instructional design. Systematic instructional design may…
Interview with a Technology Coordinator Houston County Board of Education Technology Coordinator Bob Blalock was more than happy to grant an interview regarding technology for an aspiring leadership student. Mr. Blalock has performed technology duties since 2005 and served as my technology contact during my tenure as a Business Marketing teacher at Houston County High School. I consider Mr. Blalock to be a very supportive advocate of technology use in schools. The Houston County School…
Online education (which is also addressed to as web based learning or e-learning), over the last two decades, is becoming popular across all the academic disciplines and more and more universities are offering different courses in this format. Online education can be defined as technology-based learning in which the course contents are delivered electronically and exams administered through online format. The discussion and student engagement is mostly done through social media. Blackboard and…
While there has been an increase in the use of virtual manipulatives. Their concrete counterpart’s haven been at the head of mathematics education for decades. The use of concrete manipulatives has long been applauded as a quality instructional tool. “Students’ mental images and abstract ideas are based on their experiences. Hence, students who see and manipulate a variety of objects have clearer mental images and can represent abstract ideas more completely than those whose experiences are…
Distance learning is one of the most interesting revolutions in pedagogy that has been born following the rise of new internet technologies. There are more than a few benefits that have been brought about by the rapid emergence of several e-learning platforms, especially for the learners, such as greater levels of autonomy and feedback (Driscoll, 2002). Basically, this has been made possible through effective integration of both synchronous and asynchronous learning into e-learning by…