The horses hoof is hard but delicate part of a horses body, it must be treated carefully. If a horse has a long toe then it is more uncomfortable for them to walk. It is then more vital to disease. In this paper I will be explaining how important it is to keep a horses hoof healthy and strong. how a horses hoof works and how to prevent the most common hoof disease. To keep a horses hoof healthy and free from wall cracks you must feed your horse the correct feed and hay to insure a healthy diet. Feed low in starch and in pellet form are better for a horse. Do not feed your horses to much starch, it may make your horse healthy body wise but it can cause problems with your horses hooves. A horse with a bad diet can problems with there hooves.…
Disease Causative Organism Symptoms Treatment Mode of transmission Prevention Unique Things About Disease Athlete's Foot Fungi - Scaly rash - Itching - Stinging - Burning - Antifungal meds - Floors - Towels - Clothing - Keep your feet clean - Dry feet thoroughly - Don’t go barefoot anywhere With athlete's foot, you literally have a plant living on your skin. Ringworm Fungi - Red circle on skin - Itch - Antifungal meds - Contact of skin - Wash your body - Avoid anyone infected Infection is…
pay $85 for re-shoeing a fully shod horse. We pay this amount every 7 weeks when our farrier comes out. That means we pay an average of $630 per year, per fully shod horse. A barefoot trim usually costs right around $20 dollars. Barefoot horses need to be trimmed every 5 weeks, the cost averages right around $210 per year. Another pro is that barefoot hooves are generally healthier. Being barefoot allows the hoof to constrict and expand easier which in turn helps circulation and health. While…
After entering the museum space, I quickly discovered that the Shrem Museum has many strict rules. I was told that I couldn't use pens and that I couldn't take pictures of certain pieces; therefore, I felt a little unwelcomed by the staff. However, the museum space was very open, light, and inviting. The video installation, Hoof & Foot: A Field Study, by Chris Sollars evoked many thoughts, as well as confusion. I could identify that the video drew parallels between animals and humans, and I…
1. Introduction Hoof Nuclear (HN) has been surfaced with some issues ever since it opened. Many foreign governments and funded campaign group wants to seize the operations of Hoof Nuclear. Hoof Nuclear is owned by Hoof Power Company and has been around 51 years. Ever since its operation, the neighboring counties (Beeland and Ceeland) want them to seize their operation. But this nuclear power station has been supported by many local government…
When blood flow to the laminae somehow gets restricted, inflammation of the laminae occurs and can lead to serious damage if it isn’t spotted quickly enough and treated right away. If untreated it could result in the laminae becoming damaged enough that they pull apart and the coffin bone will begin to rotate downwards toward the bottom of the hoof, and in severe cases, poke through the bottom. Horses aren’t as likely to recover from a severe case, even though it’s still possible, but a milder…
on its hind limbs so there isn’t as much pressure on the affected forelimbs. The mare wasn’t eating at all. It was suggested that the mare was put on Phenylbutazone which is a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug. This was to offer the mare more comfort as the pain of the Laminitis can be quite severe. When the mares affected hooves were examined by the vet it was discovered that the pedal bone had rotated and sunk down into the sole of the hoof. It had been prolapsed and was of bad quality.…
We stood there, looking at the piles of mud. I tried to find similarities between Canterlot buildings and domes of mud. I worried that my imagination might have been limited. “I can’t see it.” He stepped to a cone of mud and pointed a hoof at it. “This is the castle.” “Hmm…” I pressed my eyebrows together in an attempt to boost my imagination to the maximum. “Canterlot castle does have a pointy rooftop. This pile of mud is also kind of pointy. Yes, I can see the resemblance now!” “Want to…
A degenerative or idiopathic disease is characterized by the deterioration and loss of functions of internal organs and cells. An example of this disease would be Laminitis, which is a painful, and potentially crippling disease that can be fatal to horses. A horse may have to be humanely euthanized if the effects of the disease have become so serious that it is inhumane to continue to attempt further treatment. Laminitis can affect any of the feet but is more commonly seen in the front feet. Any…
rubber curry comb, a dandy brush, a body brush, a wide tooth comb, and a hoof pick. The curry comb is for tiny circular motions made, from the neck of the horse to the back of the horse. The purpose of the curry comb is to bring dirt and dead skin cells to the top of the horse’s hair. The dandy brush has stiffer bristles that allows you to remove the dead skin and dirt that you just brought to the surface. To use this brush, brush from the neck to the back with a flick like motion. This is the…