“Is that true Sweetie Belle?” Cheerilee stepped closer to my table and glared at my floating pebble. “Do you know what I asked?”
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon high-hoofed behind Cheerilee's back.
I had no idea what the question was. The bubbly horn light started to fade as my head lowered in shame. The pebble in the air also drifted down.
“How about you stop showing off your magic and pay attention to the class instead!”
Figuring that I’d get scolded even more, I closed my eyes in surrender. I’d probably be forbidden to use my horn in the classroom from that point on. My eyes opened wide and I felt my head raise up. The aura on my horn thickened.
Cheerilee lifted her eyebrows. As I rose on my hind legs, she moved back her head …show more content…
“That is both the question I asked and the correct answer. At least the first part. I'd have to brush up some more on mystical Wendigos myself to confirm the second part, though. How did you learn all this, Sweetie Belle?” She leaned her head and smiled at me.
A voice boomed in my mind, So this is what you strive for, tutor? All desires are merely doors for exploitation. You may have more of it. For a price! “I sometimes bring books to the classroom and read them in secret, so that I can learn even more about the things you are teaching.” I didn’t remember reading any book on Wendigos, though. The only mention of them I recalled was from a school play about Hearth's Warming Eve.
“There's no need for you to hide your thirst for knowledge, Sweetie Belle. As long as you're paying attention in the class, you can check on your books openly. In fact, I encourage all of you”—she looked around the classroom—“to further your knowledge on your own accord when you hear a subject that spikes your interest.”
She looked back at me. “Your magic usage, however, could present a distraction for …show more content…
We stood there, looking at the piles of mud. I tried to find similarities between Canterlot buildings and domes of mud. I worried that my imagination might have been limited. “I can’t see it.”
He stepped to a cone of mud and pointed a hoof at it. “This is the castle.”
“Hmm…” I pressed my eyebrows together in an attempt to boost my imagination to the maximum. “Canterlot castle does have a pointy rooftop. This pile of mud is also kind of pointy. Yes, I can see the resemblance now!”
“Want to help me with a waterfall?” He dunked a hoof in a puddle and lifted it. A few drops of water fell down to the ground, but most of it flowed on his short haired coat. He jerkingly shook the foreleg when the cold liquid reached the leg-pit. “Eek!”
Scootaloo was the closest to him. She took a few steps back to avoid getting sprayed. “It looks really—fun, but we’re—on a time schedule?” She looked at Apple Bloom and me. We nodded. ‘Time schedule’ was, indeed, a word. Scootaloo looked back at Snails. “Yeah, on a tight time schedule!”
“Thin calendar?” Snails raised both eyebrows and looked under our hooves.
Apple Bloom facehoofed.
Scootaloo’s eyes opened wide, she shook her head. “Not on a calendar. On a mission! We are on a