Critical Literacy Annotated Bibliography

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A Lens on Literacy
• Literacy Interview with the Teacher
1. What do you think will be the hardest part about teaching?
She said, “the hardest part about teaching is time management, but not just in the classroom.”
2. How would you differentiate your instruction to accommodate the varied needs of students (ELLs, racial diversity, gifted, special education, and slow learners)?
She said “instruction is tailored to students’ needs.” An example she gave was when students are sequencing items to give some students fewer amount to sequence. Another example is one of her gifted students instead of drawing a picture for the vocabulary words, she would have the student write a paragraph.
3. What are your interests outside of teaching? She said she likes to go skydiving, read, and study about boys in education. She said it is interesting to see how different boys are than girls in education. 4. How would you handle a student who never brings homework? She does not give out a lot of homework and if she does it is optional. If the students do turn in their homework they get sticks and students can use those sticks to get rewards. Homework should be about independent encouragement. 5. What is the last book you read? The last book she read was Battle of the Mind or Battlefield of the Mind. 6. Describe a personal experience which had an impact on your teaching. She said, “Teaching a student with down syndrome.” She said it was a challenge to teach my other students how to be passionate and show empathy for the student with the disability. “See from a different lens.” • Reading Strategies Observation The teacher was working on guided reading when my partner and I arrived. The other students were doing stations. Some of the students were working on the retelling of a story worksheet, reading activities on the computer, or creating their own books. I observed how she handles her time management by allowing each student a certain time at the station so other students had a chance to work on the computers. She also tailors the instruction to her students’ needs. For example, during guided reading
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I also learned some strategies that I can use in my future classroom. I do not think I would set up my library like my mentor teacher, I want my students to enjoy going to my classroom library because I will have books they are interested in and not just books we are learning about.
• Critical Literacy Annotated Bibliography

1. Susan Laughs
Willis, J., & Ross, T. (2000). Susan laughs. New York: Henry Holt.
This book is told in a rhyme about a little girl named Susan’s happy fulfilled life. She does familiar activities like swimming with her father or school work. Students will learn towards the end that Susan uses a wheelchair. I thought this book would be a great addition to the library because the story focuses on her abilities rather than on the things by which she is limited.
2. The Wing Brothers Math Spectacular!
Long, E. (2012). The Wing brothers math spectacular! New York: Holiday House.
This book is about five ducks that put on a show that illustrates how to compare numbers, add, and subtract. I picked this book because several students love math. The students’ will love that is funny and teaches them a math lesson.
3. Charley’s First

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