There are not too many stories of the Bible that contain women. The few women that I am focusing on, Eve, Delilah, Vashti and the daughters of Lot, are a few of the females considered “bad” to some people. Their stories have given society an idea of what deeds are seen as moral and those that are wrong. All of these women have performed a sinful act, but there are actions that are considered bad and others that could be seen as good. From the beginning, Eve has represented women and all of women’s characteristics. The commentation Christopher E. Witcombe interprets Eve to be evil and the cause of downfall to all of humanity. He says, “all women are by nature disobedient, guileless, weak-willed, prone to temptation and evil, disloyal, untrustworthy, deceitful, seductive, and motivated in their thoughts and behaviour purely by self-interest”(Witcombe). He gets all of this from the one simple misdeed of Eve at the beginning of her time. Witcombe claims that Genesis advises men to not trust women and even tells women to refrain from trusting themselves. Women are not able to escape being compared to Eve. There are other commentaries that believe Adam and Eve to have been equal when they were created, up until the time that Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Because she sinned,…
only is David running away for his life in 1 Samuel 25, but he also has to deal with people who do not respect him and challenge his honor. The man named Nabal is just one example of someone who does not believe David has honor, which he displays and then surprisingly, his household does not act in accordance with his position. Why do Nabal’s men and wife Abigail go behind Nabal’s back to appease David, when that is the exact opposite of what Nabal does as the head of the household? The main…
period creating this monster we refer to as Loch ness. A shell found in the Uraigh castle that was believed to be in the same time as the Plesiosaur. Dr. Tom Guilderson was a senior scientist at a University in California. In 2002 his lab finally performed a test to determine the age of the clam shell retrieved by Bob Rines. The test confirmed it was in fact from a time where a Plesiosaur could have been on earth. Rines still may believe that they monster is still alive searching for new victims…
composed of 114 suras, and it lacks the lyrical style that the Hebrew bible text has. The Hebrew bible is the sacred text of the Jews. It is written with more detail and dramatization. The diction used to portray the character and moral values are different. The story of the prophet Joseph, told in both the Qur’an and The Hebrew Bible, are written in different styles and have differences within the plot In the Hebrew Bible the story of Joseph is told with detail. It has the lineage and…
Cox’s introduction talks about three stages of studying the bible. He gives insight on studying the bible through the narrative or literal stage during his younger years. He seemed to be fascinated with the stories of the bible as most children are. It was intriguing to not only learn of the characters in the the parables but he “also sometimes acted them out”. (Cox 2) The stories we hear as children are colorful, fun and full of life and love. Children are in awe of these stories and…
to first learn the Bible, become a minister and teach the Bible to others. I marvel at clergy that quote scriptures from their mouths without looking first hand and anticipate the day when I can do the same. The Bible contains answers to everyday issues (the good, the bad and the ugly) and helps us to learn about theology and ourselves. For this reason, I stand more excited about taking this class as opposed to many of my other classes. By learning the Bible my life would be enhanced and guided…
mind the problems involved in the process of studying the Hebrew Bible. One of these issues is the fact that the events being recorded in the Hebrew bible occurred many thousands of years ago, and there are very limited resources or evidence that we can use to verify or compare to what is written in the Hebrew Bible. Another issue that arises is the fact that the original text is written in Hebrew, and was translated many times, as well as simply just transcribed many times. With so many…
The Holy Bible is an intriguing collection of historical accounts recorded over a period of approximately 2000 years. The historical accounts published within the Bible provide an insightful glimpse into the thoughts, perspectives, and feelings of God and the people who inhabited the Mediterranean and Mesopotamian areas during this epoch, as well as detailed descriptions of the multitude of events that transpired during this era. The content of the Bible has been crafted by innumerable…
Drawing primarily on their cultural surroundings and traditions, the author groups of the Hebrew Bible developed a wide variety of literary works. Included in this plethora of author groups was the group responsible for the documentation of the Former Prophets , known to us as the Deuteronomistic Historians. The books of Joshua, Judges, 1+2 Kings, and 1+2 Samuels, which together comprise the Former Prophets, all reflect ideas surrounding the exclusive worship of Yahweh and the continued apostasy…
in the world, Judaism has been studied by many scholars. Although the history of Judaism is pretty solid, there has always been a debate about one specific issue. The issue in question is the arrival date Ezra the scribe into Jerusalem, and whether he arrived before or after Nehemiah. This issue has been the topic of many scholarly publications, and it seems that many people have differing opinions on the date of his arrival. This paper will discuss the different arguments that have been made on…