In the film Groundhog Day, Phil Connors, a pompous TV meteorologist, who amid a detested task of covering the yearly Groundhog Day cannot wait to return to Pittsburgh, yet trapped by a blizzard that he neglected to foresee, he and his crew must remain one more night in Punxsutawney. When he awakes the following morning, Phil discovers much to his dismay that it is February 2nd once more. Soon, he finds that regardless of what he does, each morning he wakes up at the same time, in the same bed of the same hotel room, on the same day. However, in the wake of entertaining himself in various pursuits, he eventually comes to the acknowledgment that he could be bound to spend eternity reliving the same day unendingly and in this way begins to reconsider…
Existentialism in Groundhog Day Groundhog Day directed by Harold Ramis, is a film that demonstrates existential ideas. An existentialist believes that people make a purpose of their life through free will, choices and facing your consequences. In the movie, Phil Connors is a weatherman who is reporting from Pennsylvania. He was reporting a blizzard and later on he goes to Punxsutawney to cover the Groundhog Day festivities. Due to the storm he gets stuck in Punxsutawney and when he wakes…
Some holes the groundhog dug, other holes dug by the zookeeper to fool visitors to think the zoo had more than one groundhog. The Zoo made a special hole for the groundhog for Groundhog Day. Before the groundhog goes into hibernation for the winter, the zookeeper moves him into a special lock room that emulates outdoors. Early Tuesday morning on Groundhog Day at 6:00 a.m., the zookeeper would carefully place the groundhog on a special made sliding floor, in order, to slide the groundhog to the…
groundhog’s shadow, the city prepared for Groundhog Day. It was a sunny and bright day in Puttingneg. I ate breakfast, quickly and jump into our vehicle. My mom said, “Chelsea, What’s wrong? “Mom nothing is wrong.” I replied. “Why are you just sitting in the car?” She asked. I said, “I don’t want to make us late for ground hog.” “I can‘t remember the last time, you’ve been ready to attend the ground hog celebration, Chelsea.” She replied. I said, “You’ve been through a lot, I just want…
If you had a chance to take on today again, what would you do differently? In Groundhog Day, reporter, Phil Connors experiences the blessing and curse of repeating Groundhog Day over and over again in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. This dejavu like course of events allows Phil to choose how his day goes, knowing that he will be able to relive it the next day without consequences. His character and demeanor changes throughout the film from his initial personality, through his repeating days, and…
The movie Groundhog Day is used to analyze how a character can change from a bad to a good person by the end of the movie. We are able to analyze this change through the lens of Plato and Aristotle. I must argue that it is indeed possible for a character to change from bad to good by the end of a movie. At the beginning of the movie, Phil was not a good person because he was full of himself, sarcastic, and did not value people or work. Phil seems like he would be an easy person to get along…
Happy Groundhog Day! It is February 2nd and it is difficult to believe a year ago we were surrounded with ice and snow. February is a busy month at PHS. We have Parent-Teacher Conference, a FAFSA night, and our winter athletes compete in district competitions. As a school, we are also gearing up for spring testing as we prepare our students to be college and career ready. As more testing information becomes available, we will share it with you and you are always welcome to call and talk to…
“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” These words of Winston Churchill highlight the importance of change in one’s character. In Groundhog Day, Phil recognizes how growth is an important factor in one’s life. In addition, I also have acknowledged its importance. Both Phil and I pursue personal growth through the use of free will. In Groundhog Day, Phil develops new skills, talents and virtues through the use of free will to grow and change. For example, he learned how…
Despite the east coast’s recent snowstorm, it looks like spring will be arriving early this year, as predicted by Pennsylvania’s most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. On the morning of February 2nd, Phil emerged from his tree trunk cage. As he was placed on top of the tree trunk, his actions, interpreted by The Groundhog Club’s emcee, depicted that Phil did not see his shadow. The emcee then announced “ There is no shadow to be cast! An early spring is my forecast!” as Punxsutawney Phil’s…
ct’ ans’ wod’ ahs,” which was Shadow Snatchers backward. After reading that portion of the book, James began ranting about the story his grandfather told him about Shadow Snatchers. I still was not convinced the legend exists or the spell would work. Paul stood up and said, “What do we have to lose! We should try it.” At first, I shook my head, then, I said, “Ok, let’s do it.” Cindy jump up and said, “It is a go.” Cindy said, "My mom is the mayor, and maybe I could ask her where they keep…