Now, to answer this question I automatically think of my current situation and how globalism has affected me and I instinctively say globalism is great! Without it I wouldn't be on the laptop I currently own as parts that are used to make it come from all over the world, such as Japan and Korea and then it's assembled in China. There would be many, many products that I wouldn't have access to without globalization (John Green, 2013). But, of course, I have also look at aspects that don't currently or directly affect me as well and when I do that I still see that its still tentatively good. The quality of life for a large amount of people has increased as first and second world countries moved some of their manufacturing jobs from high wage to lower wage countries. This shift of jobs helped because it prevented the first and second world countries from monopolizing manufacturing (John Green, 2013). I say "tentatively good" though because it still has its issues. Global capitalism oppresses some countries, can effect the sovereignty and identity of countries, and has negative effects on the environment (Hirst and Thompson, 1996; J. Mittelman, 1996). Even though up to this point I think globalism has been mostly good I also think that there needs to be improvements to the system. I believe the continuation of globalization is inevitable because history shows that it's of the nature…
A global citizen is somebody who lives to better the world around them, to be a citizen of earth, not just the community in which they live. Global citizens are hard to find. There are not many people on Earth who are truly global citizens and not because they don’t want what is good for the world, but because they haven’t been afforded the opportunity to explore the world to discover what truly is the best for the entire world. Firoozeh Dumas is not a global citizen according to my definition.…
District 9 and The Globalism District 9 is a movie described an extraterrestrial race landed on the Earth, which created tons of social, economic and ethical conflicts. The pivotal role is Wikus Van De Merwe, who is an agent accidently exposure to the alien biotechnology and becomes the only person who perfectly combined the alien genes and human’s. In this film, the settings are creative, the aliens become the disadvantaged party due to illness, and human beings become the privileged party who…
The study of comparative politics is concentrated on state institutions, their interactions on an internal level, and externally, with neighboring states and the rest of the world. The key elements of a state institution, its legitimacy, autonomy, capacity and degree of centralization, are carefully studied in order to classify the state as either weak or strong. These elements are first and foremost internal, as they define the state’s ability to hold power over a specific geographic region and…
After World War II, the United States and the USSR came out as the world's major powers. The war caused many nations to become politically and economically unstable, such as Europe and Asia. "The Second World War had a deeply unsettling effect on the international system" (Norton, Mary Beth. Chapter 24: The Cold War and American Globalism 1945-1961. In A People & A Nation, p. 718). The two superpowers had very different views on how to fix the global economy and soon became a competition on…
trust one another as nations and attempt to hold other countries accountable, but where does it end? The Stanford Advocate has called Globalism versus Nationalism “the new economic divide.” So while the central discussion or argument around Globalism versus Nationalism maybe hasn’t changed in years, it currently is. Through technology, the world is getting smaller. You may think that doesn’t make any sense as technology allows us to expand and explore, but in a way it also makes us smaller and…
“We Are Not the World”, written by Greg Ip, is an article that explains that the current issues of the world, instead of being based on the struggles between the ‘left’ and the ‘right’, it is actually based on the struggles between globalists and nationalists. Ip speaks about how nationalists believe that globalism is indeed an ideology and should be treated as such despite others feeling that it is not. Throughout the article, Greg reiterates when globalism prevailed and when it fell, and gives…
a growing competition to exploit its energy holdings, mineral wealth, and opening shipping lanes” (Blank or Porter? Page 23). The changing geography of this world creates new opportunities for nations to obtain essential resources and increased wealth with new trade routes emerging. Globalization since the beginning of United States involvement in Al-Qaeda to the future projection of 2026 shows the massive technological advancement of not only America, but that other nations have made as well.…
The global concentration of power among the few and the lessening of public input in the policy-making process has led to populism. The definition of populism can include a distrust of political elites and an upsurge in ethnic, or religious pride” but not necessarily attraction to common-sense solutions. The movement has brought to attention the problems many minority groups face and those in various workforces. However, these benefits are countered by the group polarization that evolves,…
“We Are Not the World” “We Are Not the World”, written by Greg Ip, is an informative article depicting the ongoing struggle between the differing ideas and worldly impact of the nationalists and the globalists. Throughout this article, Ip touches on the topics of the rise of nationalists, what these nationalists do and do not have in common, globalism’s background and purpose, China joining the World Trade Organization, the impact of the euro, the financial connection of the world, the…