States. The series works backwards from consumer to source to look into illegal activities around the world. The series was produced in the United Kingdom by Wall to Wall Media Production Co., and was distributed by National Geographic. The series sixth episode, “Fake Pharma”, was produced by Laura Gamse, Christopher Lent, and James Adames, and it documents the counterfeit pharmaceutical market, the people who participate in the market, and those who try to stop the market. The episode starts in the southwest United States and shows how a pharmaceutical dealer scams the insurance companies and pharmacies to obtain real pharmaceuticals with illegitimate prescriptions. Then, the episode moves to the United States-Mexico border and the LAX International Mailing Center to explain the strategies smugglers use to move product into the United States. Afterward, the episode zooms into a homemade counterfeit pharmaceutical producer and supplier that consists of two people and a small apartment. This segment shows how “street-deal pharma” is made using store bought ingredients, dangerously risky recipes and sloppy practices. Finally, the episode zooms out to global proportions in order to showcase India, one of the world’s leading suppliers in the global counterfeit pharmaceutical market. An underlying issue that is expressed by the documentary’s showcase of the counterfeit pharmaceutical market is the uneven economic development in the first world. The use of the word…
unbiased and not submit to the whims of ownership? Shouldn’t the media present and take care of the needs of its consumers? The philosophy that the market will take care of the needs of consumers is just that, a philosophy. Owners of media outlets can and do dictate the content as to not offend advertisers or to promote the company itself. A perfect example of this currently happening today is at Fox News. The 2004 documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch 's War on Journalism by filmmaker Robert…
others. Being biased means favoring or being against something. The person being biased has a way of thinking that will not change and will not admit when are wrong. Whatever beliefs people have they tend to convince or push the thoughts and beliefs to others. Many people have felt or experienced the bias in the media. John Stossel himself was a affected by the bias found in the media. His career ended in ABC News in October of 2009, but soon in December of the same year he started working for…
fantasy and seventy years prior to that television was a glimmer in a young inventor’s eye. In fact, for the majority of known history the spread of information has been by print. Whereas, the advancement of technology such as radio, internet, and television allowed new mediums for news to be spread to the general public. As well as increased ways for the information to be framed in ways favorable to the bias of the reporter or news agency. Arguably the most important result of these…
Fox News published an opinion piece titled Make America Mexico Again: Why Americans are fed up with illegals.” This news story discusses the issue of illegal immigration from Mexico. According to, Fox News was created by Robert Murdoch who “enlisted television producer and former Republican political consultant Roger Ailes to oversee the new network, and Ailes’s business acumen and political leanings became closely associated with its eventual success.” Fox News trademark slogan…
permission. This resulted in over-draft fees and later charges. Once the news hit the media, it cost Wells Fargo its reputation, and close to $190 million dollars in fees and fines. Furthermore, it forced CEO John Stumpf to step down from his position with Wells Fargo (Matthews and Heimer, 2016). A second example of an impending crisis in 2016 was the public sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes, Chairman for Fox News. After the lawsuit was filed on behalf of former Fox News…
In early September, Twenty-First Century Fox settled with past host of a news show on Fox New, Gretchen Carlson, for sexual harassment. She was awarded twenty million dollars for her being a victim of long time CEO Roger Ailes. Roger Ailes was eventually fired from running the Fox News company. In her lawsuit, Carlson said her contract wasn 't renewed after she “refused to sleep” with Ailes and reported "severe and pervasive sexual harassment” at her workplace. (Yu, 2016) Since Gretchen Carlson…
Have you ever watched the news in the evening, and saw that maybe Kim Kardashian and her family are on Fox News at 8? Or have you seen the commercial with the little hungry kids that you can feed for only “ 35 cents a day”? Well, in today’s world, that is considered media biased. Media bias is the perception of reporting news in a partial or prejudiced manner. It occurs when the media pushes certain viewpoints, rather than actually reporting the news. The reporters ignore an important aspect of…
This news channel have liberal, conservative and independent news reporter to give its viewers all sides. In fact, Fox News considers themselves as the “truth seekers” since several liberal reporters that worked in a conservative news channel, now works at Fox News. These reporters express their feelings towards the other mainstream media. The socially liberal side emphasizes the importance of balancing individual liberty and social justice. Libertarians have no problem accepting those who the…
news refers to advertising current events, whether it is local, national or international, easy and efficiently through the use of sound and visual elements. In the news you will discover segments which people find either important or entertaining, such as sports coverage, weather forecasts, finance updates and traffic reports. Due to there being different audiences, news networks report the same news they just tell it differently to fit the requirements of their selected target audience. Two of…