The docu-series Underworld, Inc premiered in 2015, first in the United Kingdom then later in the United States. The series works backwards from consumer to source to look into illegal activities around the world. The series was produced in the United Kingdom by Wall to Wall Media Production Co., and was distributed by National Geographic. The series sixth episode, “Fake Pharma”, was produced by Laura Gamse, Christopher Lent, and James Adames, and it documents the counterfeit pharmaceutical market, the people who participate in the market, and those who try to stop the market. The episode starts in the southwest United States and shows how a pharmaceutical dealer scams the insurance companies and pharmacies to obtain real pharmaceuticals with illegitimate prescriptions. Then, the episode moves to the United States-Mexico border and the LAX International Mailing Center to explain the strategies smugglers use to move product into the United States. Afterward, the episode zooms into a homemade counterfeit pharmaceutical producer and supplier that consists of two people and a small apartment. This segment shows how “street-deal pharma” is made using store bought ingredients, dangerously risky recipes and sloppy practices. Finally, the episode zooms out to global proportions in order to showcase India, one of the world’s leading suppliers in the global counterfeit pharmaceutical market. An underlying issue that is expressed by the documentary’s showcase of the counterfeit…
Grading practices: The key to unlocking student achievement and motivation Understanding student motivation allows teachers to develop strategies that can increase motivation, thus increasing academic achievement. Academics has become a constant competition from kindergarten onwards as to provide the best opportunities for students. A major factor on academic achievement is how a teacher uses grading practices to drive student motivation. Selecting the correct type of grading style become an…
Travis Greene is a Grammy-nominated, Stellar-Award winning gospel musician who's rise to the front lines of the Christian space has been a treat to witness. Known for his breakout songs, Intentional and You Made a Way, Greene's soulful and unique voice touches the heart and possesses the power to transform a bleak spirit into one filled with hope. He also serves as the co-pastor of the Forward City Church in Columbia, South Carolina. He co-leads alongside his wife, Dr. Jackie Greene. Travis…
As stated before, there are counter arguments towards the effectiveness of treatment for psychopaths. One belief as to why treatment does not work for psychopaths is stated by the authors of this study, Harris and Rice (Harris & Rice, 2006). “They believe that the reason for their findings is that psychopaths are fundamentally different from other offenders and that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with them in the manner of a deficit or impairment that therapy can ‘fix’. Instead, they exhibit an…
After 37 years, and numerous suspects, Antioch's oldest open homicide cold case, on record, had a huge step forward in its case. Mitchell Lynn Bacom, 63, was arrested, by Antioch police, as a suspect in the kidnapping and killing of Suzanna Bombardier, 14, while she was babysitting her nieces on June 22, 1980. Bombardier disappeared from her sister’s townhouse and was found days later, by a fisherman, in the San Joaquin River. The police detained Bacom, a known acquantaine of the Bombardier…
Several terminologies have been used worldwide to describe wildfire or forest fire (e.g. Hardy, 2005; Bento-Gonçalves et al., 2012; Eriksen and Prior, 2013; Mhawej et al., 2015). Generally in the United States, these definitions included prescribed fire - which is a controlled burn ignited by human under a controlled environment and on a limited spatial scale. However, in this chapter, we only focus on uncontrolled fire that occurs in the countryside or wildland. Studies such as Kumagai et al.…
Have you ever wondered what life would be without the Go-Pro? One pearson was able to change the way we record by making the Go-Pro. Nick Woodman spent his early years wanting to surf, and later as an adult Woodman surfed nonstop. Furthermore Woodman went on to become a great surfer and an inventor and to accomplish great strides with the invention of the Gopro. You'll soon learn about the childhood of Nick Woodman. Nick Woodman was born in 1975. As a young child Nick wanted to surf at the age…
The topic of substance abuse is particularly daunting in regards to the comorbidity that is observed in individuals who suffer from mental health issues (Lo, Monge, Howell, & Cheng, 2013; Kivimies, Repo-Tiihonen, Kautiainen, Maaranen, Muhonen, Heikkinen, & Tiihonen, 2016; Mann, Ialomiteanu, Chan, Cheung, Stoduto, Ala-Leppilampi, & Rehm, 2012; Moore, Neale, Silberg, & Verhulst, 2016). Countless researchers have documented this phenomenon and presented supporting evidence of the dysfunctional…
Intro: There is much criticism, as well as negative connotations, that currently exist within our society in regards to the juvenile justice system (Pierpoint, 2000; White, 2002), and most critics’ opinions have originated from the plethora of different individuals and agencies whom become involved in a delinquent’s life at any given time once they enter into the juvenile system (Pierpoint, 2000; White, 2002). As many scholars have discovered over the course of their research, biological parents…
1926- Railway Labor Act Term Paper The Railway Labour Act (1926) has been represented under the regulations set for the government unions. There have been efforts which are between the rail road management with the unions in order to reduce the transportation strikes. This leads to the railroad employees in order to organise and bargain the collective representatives. In 1936, the airlines and the employees have been also added to this. The industries cover the act where the experts believe…