roads prevents traffic accidents. Sweden has the world’s lowest rate of traffic deaths due to this planning. In 1965, the government passed a law to promote building thousands of new houses and as a result even lower income families have the highest housing standards in the world. Many people don’t know about it but Sweden was known for creating Ikea. “Originally founded by the Swede Ingvar Kamrad in 1943, IKEA now has a presence all over the world, where you can buy modern but affordable furniture, take it home and have fun assembling it yourself”(“Facts About Sweden” 4). Also known for their music, Sweden is the 3rd biggest exporter in the world, of making music. “Its most famous musical export is ABBA, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 with their song Waterloo”(“Facts About Sweden” 3). ABBA went on to star in Mamma Mia! Which is now an international star movie. Sweden’s art is also well known. From their graphic design to their literature, Sweden is…
Who I admire There are so many talented people to admire in the world. The person who I really admire is the legendary, beautiful, French Canadian artist Celine Dion. She was born being the youngest child in a family of fourteen kids in Charlemagne, Quebec on March.10th 1968. Everyone in her whole family sang together in a group where they had went on many tours across Canada and performed as “Dion’s Family”. At just five years old, she sang various times in front…
It was the wee hours of the morning on a hot and scorching June 11th 2015 I had no idea that my life and perspective of life would be altered. I just sent a text message to my co-worker Sean about going to K-Mart Store in Bowling Green Kentucky to help out. I was hesitant to go because it was an hour away. He ended up miraculously persuaded me to pursue this paid adventure. It was around 5:00 I was changing and getting ready to go on this trip with my Co-workers Sean and Haley. I told my mother…
Bartender's Choice: 17 Classic Cocktail Recipes With a Twist A good thing is not to be messed with - most of the time, at least. These classic cocktail recipes are classic for a reason, but with a simple twist, they're transformed into futuristic drinks that would impress even the snootiest of mixologists. Prepare to impress your friends with these 17 simple twists on classic cocktail recipes! Number Seventeen: Sparkling Grapefruit Planter's Punch. Fill a shaker with ice, and add the…
had to adjust to a new environment and make new friends. I was very shy at that moment and terrified of talking to people or I should say I literally avoided talking to them. By the time I was in 5th grade, I became comfortable with my new school. In fact, I enjoyed my new school more that my former school. Anyway, we had a play one day and I performed the best way that I could. I didn’t know that my teachers were watching us, so they could choose who is the best candidate for joining the…
in your satisfied by yourself. Well that's how Celeste Harris felt about her and her weight and to top things off her aunt signed her up for a plus size teen pageant. In Erin Dionne’s story Models don’t eat chocolate Cookies, thirteen-year-old Celeste Harris is entered in a modeling contest by her not so friendly aunt,who signed her up without her permission. But not just any modeling contest though, a Miss Husky Peach Pageant for larger sized girls. Celeste hates the fact of even thinking of…
I have had the honor and opportunity of interviewing some amazing athletes in the OCR world, that includes several Spartan Pro athletes and one of the youngest and oldest active racers in the sport and it seemed only fitting to interview one of the most inspiring adaptive athletes in OCR. We both ran the same Spartan race weekend in Canada this year, so I made it a point to go say hi and setup this interview. Interview with Misty: • When did you run your first obstacle course? Misty: On…
The things I learn throughout my academic career assist me in virtually every aspect of my life. Many of the lessons I’ve learned through school result from the difficult classes I take. Challenging myself with numerous advanced placement classes has taught me to work hard even when I want to give up. Countless nights I longed for my comfortable bed, but my time consuming homework refused to let me rest. Although daunting, working hard on my assignments proved worthy when I was rewarded with…
Levi Levi is a 22 year old male. Levi has been diagnosed with autism since he was two years old. Levi has high functioning autism. Levi is my inspiration to wanting to work with individuals with autism. I have never sat down and listened to Levi’s side of autism until now. When I decided to interview Levi, I called him on the phone and asked if it was okay. Levi scuffed at me and said, “fine”. When I interview Levi I asked him, “how are you doing?” He answered with, “I guess I am…
In the locker room are Dan and Jason. I say hello and continue on to my locker. More people come in and everyone starts talking about how bad their day was. It's almost a daily contest to see who can have bragging rights for having the worst day, perhaps they want sympathy or maybe they just like to complain a lot. I find it humorous that a bunch of guys who come in every day to train and beat on each other can complain so much, so I laugh at them and leave the locker room. I start…