interact with children from different races, ages, and backgrounds. Ultimately, I think the experience helped me personally and professionally. It allowed me to grow as a person and build relationships that I thought I would never build with someone younger than. Many of the children I worked with were indeed younger than me, but it also made realize that a lot of them look up to me as a person and role model. This experience open my eyes and made me see that matter how you see yourself, someone that is younger will always look up to you once they get to know you. When I first started this experience, I had a lot of challenges especially my first day. I had a hard time trying to build the relationships especially with the younger children. I believe that is typical because the children didn’t know me or didn’t know what to expect. I think I got over this after the first day because I set my expectations for the children. Once the children…
Know-nothing people believe in everything the manipulators (superiors) say or do because that's all they know. Day by day people are being trapped in a symbolic cave by manipulators, and bad influences in their life. They are in your life to make you fail and to prevent you from believing in yourself so you cannot become better. In order to make you fail they speak negatively to make you believe that you are not capable of escaping the mind control (the cave). By not believing in yourself to…
race may have caused the stranger in the elevator to become a lot more comfortable. If the person is wearing something that their culture makes them wear it can also cause more of a reaction. When you usually do not see something, as usual, it can be very strange. Gender may not have a major influence on this norm. If the other person in the elevator was of the opposite sex, awkwardness may come into play. People who tend to be very shy may not try to come in contact with people of the opposite…
This book was truly a fascinating read. It gave me some perspectives that I have never really thought about before. I believe the author is trying to tell us in the writing, that it is okay to do business and to strive to achieve in life. It is not a sin to better yourself or to hope that one day your children will be better off than you yourself. The message that I receive load and clear was that if what we do comes from a good heart and the desire to Glorify God then are actions are good.…
WHERE WE ARE I am Emmanuel Omondi. The story of my life basically has four key turning points - events I believe have greatly impacted my internal and external identity; some of which will continue to do so for the rest of my life. In chronological order, my non-relationship with my father, my battle with depression and anxiety, the dissonance I habour regarding which career path to take - medicine:the opportunity of a lifetime or aviation:my love and, my walk with The Lord. They capture the…
I have both received and given support, encouragement and prayer in ways that I never experienced to this extent before. God is using me right where I am, within and because of my circumstances; I pray this is a lesson I will not forget. I am doing my best to seek God’s will for my life, I don’t have a complete picture of that yet and I am not sure I ever will because then I would not need to trust him. I do believe that he has called me to pursue my Psychology degree though I am not sure to…
The difference between the True Believer and the Counterfeit Believer When you believe in something or someone, you put your trust in them and you are willing to put your heart and soul in anything related to it. We have two kinds of believer, the true believer and the counterfeit believer or the hypocrite. It is very difficult to differentiate the true believer from the counterfeit believer, because they both appear to be a very faithful person until you get to know each other well. The true…
unlocking the true meaning of passion. To me, passion is when you feel so strongly about someone or something, that you would do absoluting anything to keep that person or item in your possession. If you are truly passionate about an object, activity, or person, you would put them before anyone or anything else, as well as staying true to these significant things. Now don’t get my words twisted, I’m not saying that you can’t be passionate about multiple things and try to balance them out,…
are displaying that He is not our primary priority. Following this further, in order for us to understand faith, we must first comprehend the misunderstandings behind the term faith. Tilley presents four types of misunderstandings to his readers. They are that faith is based on believe, faith generates behavior, it is an inner feeling and it is centered around religion. A person is said to misunderstand faith when they believe a proposition or a claim. This is normally seen among believers…
Even though my life path is not laid out for me step by step, it is important that I recognize God has a plan for me and I shall have faith in his plan. If there are challenges placed before me, I must accept these challenges and try my best to work my way through them; After all, being optimistic in circumstances such as struggles and bumps along my pathway will benefit me best and enable me to achieve what I set my heart to. With this, I believe it is a matter of having faith in the plans…