Q1) What are the three main scientific concepts regarding the Gas Turbine Engine 1. Entropy and the Laws of Thermodynamics Definition: The first law of thermodynamics states that the total energy of the system is constant and that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and can only transform from one form to another. This means that we can't create noting from something, and we can't create something from nothing. Energy exists and cannot become nonexistent and nonexistent energy cannot become exist. The first law makes use of the key concepts of internal energy, heat, and system work. It is used extensively in the discussion of heat engines. Example: An example of first law of thermodynamics is when a fan is on, the motor heats up;…
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the thermodynamic properties of the entropy, enthalpy and free energy, as well as the solubility product of borax as a function of temperature from the dissolution of borax in an aqueous solution. Thermodynamics is the study of heat and its transformations. The properties of thermodynamics are entropy, enthalpy and free energy. The properties of thermodynamics can be viewed in terms of spontaneity. Spontaneity is a spontaneous change of a system…
an attempt to better understand the concept entropy and reversibility along with irreversibility of a closed system, we conducted a simulation of an irreversible process of several types of mixing with different substances at different temperatures. This simulation will help to better understand and to prove that the net change in entropy must not be zero if there are irreversibilities are present. Also, the simulation will show how there can be an entropy transfer within the closed system.…
Thermodynamics. This law states that heat cannot be transferred from a colder body to a hotter body. As a result of this law natural processes that involve energy transfer must therefore have one direction, and all natural processes are irreversible. This law also predicts that the entropy of an isolated system always increases with time; the entropy is the measure of the disorder or randomness of energy and matter in a system. This means that when a hot thing s put into freezer box etc, there…
same, whereas the second law relates to the quality of the energy. “The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum.” Entropy, the measure of disorder in a thermodynamic system, can never decrease only staying the same or getting bigger. Entropy within a system increases, leading it to become more disordered. An increase in disorder can be as simple as adding salt into water, through this process, the solution is now increasingly disordered, and cannot be undone. The second law can also relate to…
thermodynamics depend on the first, such as the second which is Increased Entropy and the third Zero Entropy at Zero Kelvin. For example The First Law of Thermodynamics is like a ongoing motion machine, there has to be a external energy source to make it move. The input can be any type of energy such as wind, chemicals, even a hamster on a wheel. But the energy must come from a total energy of a system, The First Law of Thermodynamics demands. References Johnson, A. (2012, August 10).…
Since is unknown at the bottom of the tower (at H=0), an initial guess for at the bottom of the tower is used. An iterative procedure is performed until the difference between the calculated value and the value obtained by experiments for inlet water flow rate is within the defined tolerance. The solution procedure is shown in fig 5. Figure 5- flowchart of the solution procedure Exergy calculations Specific exergy in cooling tower process, like other psychrometric processes, comprises two…
The Laws of Thermodynamics dictate that the universe is constantly becoming more disordered. If this is truly the case, then how have life forms as ordered as the ones here on earth possibly come to exist? The universe’s relentless drift toward pure chaos poses quite a challenge to the order that is life, but by using concepts of thermodynamics and biophysics, life forms continue to subsist. Life itself is in a perpetual struggle with the Laws of Thermodynamics that both are the foundation for…
continues to grow at the rate it is going the more the environment would be degraded. He further expounds by naming the possible environmental effects that would come from an expanding population, “increased water and air pollution, loss of biodiversity, rapidly disappearing forests and wetlands, soil erosion, depleted water tables, ozone depletion, and the greenhouse effect.” Not only would the environment be affected drastically, but an individual’s way of life too, an individual’s equity.…
mechanical work can be obtained only when heat flows from a high temperature to a low temperature (Hewitt 475)." However, all the heat from the high temperature is not converted into work. Some heat flows into work, but most is in lost low temperature. If we wanted to know how much heat can be converted into work, we would have to find the Carnot efficiency. The Carnot efficiency of a heat engine is the ideal maximum percentage of input energy that the engine can convert to work. Hewitt…