INTRODUCTION Environmental health as defined by the World Health Organization document of 1999 are the aspects of the human health and disease that are determined by factors in the environment. It also involves the practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially and affect health. Environmental health also includes both the direct pathological effects of chemicals, radiation and some biological agents, and the effects on health and wellbeing of the broad physical, psychological, social and cultural environment, which includes housing, urban development, land use and transport. The environment plays a critical role in health because it can be both a provider of raw materials to help maintain health and also…
Environmental Assessment of Today’s Health Care Today’s health care system faces a number of challenges: from commercializing via various media, rising consumerism among patients, digitalizing medical records, and rising health care costs as well as demands. In other words, the health care system is in a constant evolution phase. As a result, there is an increasing focus on the environmental scan model, which uses the organization’s external environment factors to plan the organization’s future…
Sustainability and human health are becoming a main concern for the environment. Due to the activities of humans that are affecting climate change there is an imposing threat to human health. As Madeline Thomson wrote the effects of climate change and overall effect on human health are becoming easier to understand (Thomson 6). The problem with climate change, however, is that it affects many parts of the ecosystem, which in turn affects the human health. Climate change is expected to affect…
• Mental Health is defined as a state of mental, physical and social well-being. It enables every individual to recognise his or her own potential and is able to make a contribution to their community. When we are mentally well, we are able to engage in our surroundings and enjoy the company of others. It is not merely the absence of disease. • Resilience is a personal skill that demonstrates someone’s capacity to manage change and handle challenges. It also links to mental health as being…
1. Brulle, R. J., & Pellow, D. N. (2006). Environmental Justice: Human health and Environmental inequalities. Annual Review of Public Health, 27, 103-124. doi:10.1146/annurev.publhealth.27.021405.102124 In this article it analyzes the health and environmental disparities between different ethnicities and socioeconomic groups in the United States. It sheds light to not only the increasing gap between those with higher socioeconomic status to those of colour, but also the relationship to…
2 Unit Personal Development, Health & Physical Education Preliminary Assessment Task 2016 Describe the nature and extent of the health inequities suffered by ATSI’s (8marks) (300 words) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples quality/extent of their health and life are detrimentally affected due to their generalised lack of knowledge and skills, genetics, attitudes and values, opportunity and education/location. Their are also other factors such as their socio-economical (employment,…
has studied the concept of the production function of health, which summarizes the relationship between health inputs and outputs. Yet, few of them have analyzed the impact of the economic, social, and environmental factors on the health status of the individuals as well as the society. In this section, we are going to mention some previous researches that are related to this subject: 1. James Thornton 2002: This study provides some new evidence on the effect of medical care, socioeconomic,…
During the last two centuries, there has been an increase in the average number of people who expect to live longer in advanced countries. This can be attributed to many factors that include lifestyle, access to health care, better education and employment, but many people who live in developing countries do not have opportunities for this because there are many factors that are injurious to their health. They make their lives more challenging such as poverty, race, gender, weather and so on.…
business deal in urban areas are involved.The United States and Europe had started their urbanization since the 19th century. On the other hand, by the end of 2014, 54.7% of China’s total population live in the urban areas, which is a rate that rose from 26% in 1990. They are currently experiencing a rapid increase. Yet, urbanization has many benefits. For instance, development in the good education, tourism industries, trade and commerce growth. However, there are some negative effects as well.…
Community Factors Impacting Environmental Health The Summerlyn community is located near the Five Corners district. According to the National Association of Realtors, “the population is 32,355 with the median age of 30. 77053 's median household income is $44,879, and the average household net worth is $343,291” (National Association of Realtors, Move, Inc., 1995-2015). The majority of this area consist of residential housing. The Summerlyn community is located in a quiet neighborhood. The…