Many cultures and religions partake in some general form of “worship.” The concept of worship, and what that means, however, takes shape in many different ways as one examines one culture from a different culture. Growing up in a Christian family, I have a lot of experience with the complexities of worship even just within my denomination of Christianity. When examining Islamic worship, and comparing it to the concepts of worship I have come to hold, I see many similarities and differences. Islamic and Christian worship both have similarities in manner by which worship is to be expressed, and the words that are said to God. However, the two concepts of worship in these religions are fundamentally opposites. My experience with worship begins…
secondary writings (data) relating to early Christian worship in the first four centuries. The author provides a study of early Christian worship that extends from the practices of the earliest Christian communities and he shows the consequences that they have on our discernment of different aspects of early Christian worship. In the preface, the author uses the groupings of comparable linguistics which separates between “lumpers” (scholars that group different languages into families) and…
Chapter four addresses an area in many Christian’s lives; worship. Majorie seeks to solve the problem of the need to living a life fervently engaged in worshipping God constantly. Our culture today is one of individualism and instant gratitude. If you were to think about it carefully, you see many people, especially kids, walking around on their mobile devices and keeping to themselves. I am speaking mainly about the lost and worldly people out there. Caught up with the newest device and…
The introduction to the meaning of worship in spirit and in truth defines a person’s relationship and experience or encounter with God. Therefore, the two key ideas that was of interested in the book review was: what worship is and what worship is not. Worship is spiritual, therefore, the evident of true worship has to come from the heart, mind, and soul of a person. The heart, mind, and soul are components of spiritual transformation in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Secondly, worship is…
liturgical studies who wrote notable books related to Christian worship such as Documents of Christian Worship, Introduction to Christian Worship and Protestant Worship: Traditions in Transition. This work is an analysis of Protestant worship where the author elucidates the main worship traditions of nine specific traditional segments of the church that shaped the history of Protestant worship in Europe and North America. These evangelical institutions are identified as Lutheran, Reformed,…
works at Liberty University as the Chairman of the Department of Music and Worship Studies. He also wrote a few books related to Christian worship such as Understanding Music and Worship in the Local Church. In Worship Through the Ages: How the Great Awakenings Shape Evangelical Worship, the authors make an analysis of the main past events that shaped Evangelical worship, such as the Great Awakenings, the Jesus Movement, and the Praise and Worship movements. Summary The authors’ main purpose…
When it comes to worship there are many questions asked. Do you have to be a good musician, should it come before or after the sermon, is dancing okay, should we have lights, what music is okay, and many other questions. These are all basic questions, but are they the right ones? These are basic questions that are so specific that the real questions that should be asked are not even addressed. In fact, the church has been built in such a way that whatever is being done must be replicated and…
Final Paper Christians pray to and worship God in more languages than any other religion in the world (Netland and Ott 15). This can be attributed to the gospel’s power to overcome all cultural boundaries. As heirs to God’s kingdom our truth is no longer found in our worldly identity but in our creator (ESV Gal 3:28). Unfortunately, as fallen humans it is impossible to completely separate our own personal understanding of the world from God’s infallible truth. When we worship God for example,…
The foundation of Christian faith is worship. Worship is the central theme of Christianity. Worship is associated with the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, worship is not about the human but the divine. Christian worship is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord” (Ephesians 2:20-21 NASB). Therefore, worship is vital…
Christians pray to and worship God in more languages than any other religion in the world (Netland and Ott 15). This can be attributed to the gospel’s power to overcome all cultural boundaries. As heirs of God’s kingdom our truth is no longer found in our worldly identity, but in our creator (ESV Gal 3:28). Unfortunately, as fallen humans, it is impossible to completely separate our own personal understanding of the world from God’s infallible truth. For example, when we worship God we can not…