you know that elementary school exams and test scores have increased by over 6 percent ever since phones have been banned from schools? As a student, I am faced with the problem of having cell phones in classrooms. Most students enjoy bringing their devices. However, some do not always use them for the proper uses. In fact, some people say that it is important that students bring their phones to school. Despite the fact that cell phones may be used for educational purposes, phones should still be banned from schools due to texting and posting, cyberbullying, and a use for non - educational purposes. First of all, one way phones can be a distraction is because of the fact that students might cyberbully each other which could potentially…
their phone? How many times does a student check a text or play a game while in class? The answer to those questions may vary from person to person and student to student, but the effects of mobile devices in everyday life, especially school, is clear and rapidly evolving. Students nowadays are set up to be distracted from their studies by modern availability of devices and the internet. Disinterest, cheating, deficit of attention, and overall effectiveness and morale of schooling is in full…
I firmly believe that it should be illegal to drive and use a cell phone simultaneously. Using a cell phone while driving is a major distraction that puts not only yourself, but others in danger. The first reason the use of cell phones should be banned while driving is because they cause the user to take their eyes off the road. In order to use a cell phone, the driver must look at their phone. If the driver is looking at their phone, they aren't looking at the road. Taking your eyes off…
states in the U.S., being on your phone in general is against the law now. The states that have enforced this law, enforced it because half of the car accidents that happen are because of drivers who on their phone while driving. Therefore I think that cell phones should be banned while driving. I know for a fact that texting while driving is not safe for drivers because my mom got in a car accident when she was texting and it really could have hurt some people, luckily it didn't. This is one of…
need to be made. Some states have set fines for those drivers who are caught using hand-held cell phones while driving. But do these fines really make an impact on the driver? Not when the fine is so low that it is not a big deal for them to just pay the fine and carry on doing what they are doing, making no changes to how they drive. In several states the fine is a measly $101. The old saying, hit them where it hurts, in their pocketbook, comes to mind. If the fines were higher and made more of…
In 1981, there was a phone that was able to be carried anywhere, but it was large, thick, and heavy. Later in 2001, technologists invented a new mobile phone- small, light, and clamshell - which is easy to carry everywhere and fit in a pocket. Before this new design, there was not a lot of phone use in cars and therefore, not so many accidents. Six years later, the most popular mobile phone is IPhone by Apple. Many people buy those mobiles because they use social media, Bluetooth, the internet,…
Technology has enriched people 's lives both in school and out. Cell phones are convenient and connect you with applications and the internet. Students can get a definition to a word using the internet and can look up the answer to a question that the teacher doesn’t know. In the article Students Should Be Free To Carry Cell Phones At School written by Allison Berryhill shows how cell phones can be used during break in between classes and during lunch. Also in the article Cell Phones Should Not…
Goodbye Cell Phones, Hello Rising Grades Students in high school that are over the age of sixteen are more addicted to their cell phones (Mathews). Cell phones typically come with many features now including cameras. Imagine what the school would be like if pictures of students undressed in the locker room began circulating through social media sites, emails, and text messages. Students that use cell phones in high school make spreading rumors easier, and rumors being spread disrupts and delays…
Nowadays, with the development of the science and technology, we always use the electric devices wherever we are. Actually, that gives us many bad consequences, for instance, increasing the phone using, people and people are isolating. Actually, most of people will use phone or call during they driving car. It is a really risky thing and will likely to make accidents. So I totally agree with the author that is cell phone should ban when people drive. In recent year, many people were died in an…
Should cell phones be banned in classrooms? The use of cell phones has dramatically increased throughout the recent years. Addition to the usage, the technology of these cell phones has also evolved. Cell phones now have operating systems like smart phones; just about anything can be done on a cell phone. This technology has been over a century in the making. the invention of the cell phone started as early as in the year 1900 and throughout the years new research and advancements…