XX participated in an initial neurodevelopmental evaluation due to his involvement in study protocol, 16-H-0144, Impact of Elastin Mediated Vascular Stiffness on End Organs. XX is from Manchester, England. He was diagnosed with supraventricular aortic stenosis (SVAS) and experienced multiple cardiac arrests and heart surgery associated with this diagnosis. He currently experiences hypertension, difficulty regulating his temperature, difficulties with memory, migraine headaches, GI pain, and anxiety. XX is color blind. XX’s mother reported no concerns during her pregnancy. XX was born via emergency cesarean-section and weighed 8 pounds at birth. No concerns were noted during his neonatal period or early development. XX reportedly attained his motor, speech, and linguistic milestones within normal age-level expectation. Specifically, he smiled at 5 ½ weeks, held his head up at 2 months, crawled at 7 months, and cruised at 9 months of age. Other milestones were…
considered regular or normal. Cardiac arrest: the sudden loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness caused by abnormal or irregular heart rhythms (ex: ventricular fibrillation) Cardiomyopathy: a disease of the heart muscle (myocardium), may be acquired or hereditary Defibrillation: administration of a controlled electric shock to stop an extremely rapid, irregular heart beat (fibrillation) and restore heart rate to a normal rhythm. Determinants: elements that identify or determine the…
Amya Hudson Dr. Graves Public speaking March 27,2017 Cardiac Arrhythmia General purpose: To Inform Specific purpose: To inform my audience about Cardiac Arrhythmia. Thesis: Today I will tell you about cardiac arrhythmia (dysrhythmia) and how it can be effecting you as we speak. I will discuss the cause, symptoms, and steps that can be taken as precaution. Introduction I. Attention getter - II. Self-introduction – Good Afternoon class, my name is Amya Hudson and I am a freshman here at…
Cardiac Arrhythmia is an anomaly in the Heart which can be diagnosed with the help of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. ECG signal is a diagrammatic representation of the cardiac signal, which is most important biomedical signal, taken for the feature extraction. Since it is very difficult to analyse the ECG signal due to the size, noise and changes in the signal, automatic system for ECG signal processing is essential. For this, ECG signal is processed using wavelets based signal processing,…
Cardiac Dysrhythmia Cardiac Dysrhythmia also known as cardiac arrhythmia is a group of of conditions where the heartbeat is irregular and or too fast or too slow. Tachycardia is known as a heart rate that is over 100 beats per minute for adults ,while Bradycardia is too slow with below 60 beats per minute. Majority of arrhythmia issues are not serious, but some predispose one to complications like heart failure or a stroke. Arrhythmia are the leading cause of sudden cardiac death, with 400,000…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Categorization of traumatic heart disease is based on mechanism of injury (i.e., penetrating, nonpenetrating [blunt], iatrogenic, metabolic, and other) (Table ) . PENETRATING CARDIAC TRAUMA Penetrating trauma is the most common cause of significant cardiac injury seen in the hospital setting, with the predominant injury being from guns and knives. Penetrating cardiac trauma is secondary to stab wounds in 35 to 96 percent of patients…
The cause of the arrhythmias is “related to the formation of re-entry circuits at the confluence of the necrotic and viable myocardium, as well as to irritable ischemic myocardium”(Grasso & Brener, 2014, p. 1). Amiodarone is typically the first treatment initiated for ventricular arrhythmias. Lidocaine is given when arrhythmias are not responsive to amiodarone administration. This antiarrhythmic agent is thought to “block sodium channels more effectively in ischemic myocardium and it may be more…
Beneficence and non-maleficence principles were not followed due to the fact that beneficence means to do good for the patient and non-maleficence means to not cause actual harm to the patient. The nurse made a poor decision when she did not give the medication as ordered, and when she failed to report a continual increase in the patient’s heart rate, and when she failed to ensure documentation of the items such as the cardiac monitor when the patient was transferred to the telemetry unit. All…
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is an emergency procedure taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing for someone who is in cardiac arrest (“Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation”). Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of blood flow from the heart’s spontaneous shut down (“Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation”). Some people think of the fake dummies used in CPR classes or learning about it at swim lessons. Some people think of Bee Gee’s song “Stayin’ Alive”, but there’s a lot more to…
Pulmonary sarcoidosis can worsen in what is called acute pulmonary exacerbations of sarcoidosis (APES) with worsening pulmonary dysfunction and pulmonary symptoms developing over a period of a month. This worsening of pulmonary sarcoidosis can occur after the discontinuation of corticosteroid treatment. APES will not resolve on its own and requires restarting corticosteroid treatment. 4 Five percent of patients may die of respiratory insufficiency. 3 Patients with myocardial sarcoidosis may…