INTRODUCTION Bite mark has been dfined by MacDonald as “a mark caused by the teeth either alone or in combination with other mouth parts.9 Bites and biting have been around as since the animals with teeth have inhabited the earth; biting is a primitive type of assault and often used as a weapon of last resort.1 Bite have been found in cases of sexual assault, attempted suicide, homicide and child abuse2; on skin of a corpse or a living person and objects.2,20 Human bite mark is one of the most violent crime tried in the criminal courts. 2 Bites can occur on both the victim and the suspect; teeth are used as weapon by the aggressor and in self defence by the victim.3 Earliest case was documented by US law is thought to be reported in 1870,…
HOSPITAL TREATMENT It is always difficult to distinguish venomous and non-venomous snake bite, the patient with the history of any snake bite should be admitted in the hospital for observation. Airway breathing and circulation should be stabilized in hospital if needed. The patients vital sign, oxygen saturation, urine output should be closely monitored. After taking the history a quick and through physical examination should be performed. IV access in one or both unaffected limb should be…
How dangerous can a rattlesnake or moccasin bite really be for a dog? Rattlesnakes and cotton mouths, which are also known as moccasins, are very common in the Southern region of the United States. Both are highly venomous snakes, and can cause humans and animals many health issues, and have the ability to kill them. It can be a challenge to recognize these snakes from other snakes found in this region, and they love to bask in the sun when it’s warm outside. Unfortunately for pet owners…
Do you ever think that a small bite can cause a lot of harm on an individual with so many body defenses? As we all have heard in the news or radio stations or even seen on banners while driving and in doctor’s office the virus known as Zika has caused a lot of panic worldwide. Zika was first found in 1947 in a monkey that was isolated in the Zika forest and then was spread to an individual who was a zookeeper. Zika is a disease that affects the body system, for example in some pregnant women it…
doing it, which according to Doctor Fred Penzel is common amongst nail bitters. According to Penzel “Some do it in an automatic way, as if they are in a trance and not really thinking about what they are doing” (Penzel, 2008, para. 4) fortunately for me my parents always call me out on it. Every time my parents catch me biting my nails they harass me for it but I ignore them and do it anyway. So I’ll tell them to magnify their harassment whenever they catch me in the act to the point where I…
Larry Harbinger is a sophomore student at Floodrock High School. He is facing a possible five-day out-of-school suspension for theft of school property. Larry cares for animals deeply. In his biology class, they were about to dissect live frogs. Even though Larry’s mother wrote a note to excuse her son from doing this dissection, the teacher insisted that everyone observes the dissection. By observing the dissection, they will be able to get a clear idea of the anatomy. To protect the frogs, he…
because it shows how she expressed herself throughout the story. First and foremost, Melinda starts to bite her lip when she remembers that she was raped. Melinda hates to think about the time that she was raped, but she sometimes thinks about it. She starts to bite her lip because she cannot help it. She…
Do you often find yourself biting the skin around your nails? Do you find that when you’re in an anxiety inducing situation that the inside of your mouth is being bitten? Do you just bite the skin and nails for fun? There is a term for what is happening and it’s called Dermatophagia. Some people bite their nails just as a bad habit, or because they have a hangnail. Unfortunately, there is a point when that “bad habit” becomes a dangerous problem. When there is constant chewing going on…
A girl aged( 3-4) bites others when approached by children who wants to play with her. She does not share things/toys and likes to play by herself. She has new born sibling at home. Mother is concerned about her behaviour of biting. She thinks that her child bites her peers instead of talking to them. Educators are encouraging the child to use her words to communicate with others. Confront: The child is demonstrating challenging behavioural issues. The reason behind her behaviour could be a new…
everyone has a bad habit, or behavior they wish was different. For me, that is biting my fingernails. Fingernail biting involves raising the fingers, usually one at a time, to the face and then inserting them inside the mouth. Once inside the mouth, the teeth are positioned around the fingernail to bite it and make it shorter. This is then repeated for all ten fingers time and time again. Fingernail biting belongs to a cluster of behaviors called pathological grooming. These behaviors stem off…