The black experience is the starting point for black theology and black Christology. It is interesting to point out that slavery was not started by the whites, but by the black themselves. In Africa, the tribes would hold on to other tribe members as collateral so that they would not attack each other. Eventually they sold those collateral tribe members to Europeans to become slaves. The cause of slavery was done by their own kind is ironic, but yet they on the oppression of the whites. To keep blacks under the whites’ justification, Christianity was introduced to the blacks so that they would follow the teaching of the scripture, especially on the portion on the masters and slaves relationship to keep them obedience. Cone also noted that white…
The Black Death (black plague) Did you know that during the years 1348 and 1351 up to 75 million through 200 million people died because of the Black Death? Well if not, then an interesting fact is that it killed about 30% to 50% of Europe’s population during that time, this all began in china but soon this deadly disease started to spread quickly. When did it begin? Okay so like said in the begging it all began in the 14th century and those years were between the years 1301 &1400, through those…
Shedding Color As I grew into the young woman I am today, I faced many challenges that my Caucasian counterparts have not. The melanin in my skin has acted like a beacon for harsh jokes and inappropriate comments from my peers, and on some occasions, even adults. I began to see the effects of being black in the young stages of my life, for I was one of three African-American students at my school from preschool nearly until I started high school. The United States of America is nicknamed “the…
Destin Mizelle Black Cuban Black American The Great Divide Throughout American history, people has been unfairly separated by their race and class; unfortunately, the poor and marginalized individuals always tend to be oppressed by their wealthy white counterparts. In the Autobiography, Black Cuban, Black American, Written by Evelio Grillo, goes in to depth on the constant identity struggles and racial inequity a Black Cuban male faces in Ybor City, Florida. During the 1900, the cigar business…
There are various theories in Black or Africana Studies. An Africana study is a “critical and systematic” study of the African people. Under this consists of theories that are an explanation of facts that are acknowledged. Kawaida Philosophy is one of the main theories and it is also used as in a theoretical way and how it implies in the Africana Studies. Kawaida is a philosophy first developed by Dr. Maulana Karenga, professor and chair of Africana Studies at California State University, which…
“The generalization of Blacks and their culture has been in American society for a long time, may it have been positive or negative, Blacks and their impact in advertising has dated back to colonial years of America and still makes an impact today.” Looking at brands and ads from the 1800s to now, do Blacks feel offended? From blackface, to racial terms, offensive nicknames (Jiggaboo, Mandingo, Jezebel, Mammy & etc), stereotypes and images, advertising had held a negative light on Blacks for…
Black equality was not achieved then and is still not achieved today. If racial equality was achieved back then, it wouldn’t be a discussion today whether or not it was effective. If we have to ask the question of whether or not black equality was achieved, then it is evident and clear that there still isn’t equality. Even though it may have seemed back then in the north there was black equality there were still Jim Crow laws happening in the south. It was like going 1 step forward eliminating…
Life in the 1930’s isn't as easy as you think, especially if you're black. We have to go through many hard things like the great depression, we didn't have much to choose from when we wanted a job, and education wasn't the best either. Whites always thought they were better than the blacks and deserved more because of their skin color. Just because blacks were a little bit darker than the whites, they were more transcendence, but they we were are all equal. Blacks do not get much of an…
The Black Church refers to Protestant Christian churches who has a congregations that is predominately African American. African Methodist Episcopal Church, Church of God in Christ, Baptist, and other denominations are classic under the term the Black Church. Historically the Black Church has been the first piece of land African Americans own after slavery. The Black Church has played several different roles in African American lives dating back to slavery. The Black Church taught the slaves…
is Black Nationalism (Defining Black Nationalism, 1). In addition to Black Nationalism, Pan-Africanism has had a tremendous role in the effort to bring the African diaspora and African community together. Through the advocacy of Pan-Africanism, the belief that unity is vital to economic, social, and political progress and aims to "unify and uplift"…