and creeks, loggerhead sea turtles are among the largest hard shelled turtles to roam the waters. These reptiles can also be found in shallow waters along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. They often nest on ocean beaches in areas where the shore meets the water. Loggerhead sea turtles generally nest at time periods of 2 to 4 years. They usually lay around 3 to 6 nests, which are spaced around 12 to 14 days apart. Logger sea turtles lay, on average between 100 to 126 eggs per nest. (Sea turtle conservancy) These carnivores typically feed on fish, crustaceans, and other marine wildlife. Not only are these sea turtles endangered because of evolving climate changes, but loggerhead sea…
Introduction For over 100 million years sea turtles have covered extensive distances across the world 's oceans, filling a fundamental role in the composure of marine habitats. Seven different species of these aquatic reptiles graze our ocean waters, from the shallow seagrass beds of the Indian Ocean, to the vibrant reefs of the Coral Triangle, and even the sandy beaches of the Eastern Pacific. Human activities have tipped the scales in opposition to the survival of these ancient mariners, which…
Under the Sea Turtle Sea turtles symbolize the humility of mankind because their home has become our home in which both humans and turtles, with the help of the Marine Animal Rescue Team become one. There are six to seven species of sea turtles that can be found from all over the ocean: leatherbacks, loggerheads, green turtles, olive ridleys, kemp’s ridleys, hawksbills and flatbacks. They are either threatened or endangered at human hands, sadly, they are already endangered because of the…
If sea turtles lay about an average of 100 eggs in each nest and lay up to 6 to 8 nest each season, then why are sea turtles endangered if so many of them are being created? Well for starters, Sea turtles are faced with many predators, where most creatures take sea turtles as their natural prey. But a sea turtle's life can be at risk even before they are even born. When a sea turtle lays her eggs, the eggs are in danger of Terrestrial predators that seek to prey on them. But if an offspring…
The Leatherback Sea Turtle is one of the most unique species out of all of the turtle species. This beautiful turtle species is critically endangered and their population is decreasing drastically. The Leatherbacks amazing features are taken for granted causing the endangerment. Their valuable leather is one reason for endangerment. Another factor is the waste produced from the daily use of boats. Throughout the life of the Leatherback Sea Turtle we will cover multiple different topics. These…
Argumentative Essay Xavier Wilkes English 6 12 March 2018 Only 1 sea turtle out of 100 makes it to adulthood. Statistics show that out of 100 eggs only 1% makes it to adulthood. Sea turtles are dying and we need to do something about it. Oil spills are destroying the the lives of sea turtles before they even hach. Oil can seep into a egg and permanently affect the baby from killing it to causing deformities. Oil can also take out adults. According NOAA when a turtle takes in…
Eddie: The Sea Turtle. Majestic, wonderful, and on this earth for over 100 million year. But, can its magnificent animals be in danger? In this documentary we talk about sea turtles and how plastic pollution affects the ecosystem of turtles. We will see why the turtles are so affected by pollution. But before that we will explain the interactions in the ecosystem of the sea turtle. Connor: A great interaction is the food chain. So, what is it that turtles eat? When turtles are omnivorous, they…
Species taxonomy- The Olive Ridley Sea Turtle belongs to the kingdom: Animalia, the Phylum: Chordata, the Class: Reptilia, the Order: Testudines, Family: Cheloniidae, Genus: Lepidochelys, and its species is olivacea. Thus the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle’s scientific name is Lepidochelys olivacea. (NOAA, 2014) In Spanish the Olive Ridley is called Golfina. (Sea turtle Inc., 2016) There is only one other animal in the genus Lepidochelys and it is the Kemp’s Rideys Sea Turtle: Kingdom: Animalia,…
Introduction The leatherback sea turtle is the largest of all living turtles and can be easily differentiated from other sea turtles because it lacks a bony shell, instead having an oily tough flesh. The leatherback is the only living species in its relative genus and family, thus making it the last turtle of its kind according to the Government of Canada (2016). However, if we as a global population continue going on the path that we are currently headed then we can say goodbye to the…
Where green sea turtles live have a huge impact on how they treat their young. Green sea turtles live in tropical and subtropical areas. Some of the places they live include, the Mediterranean Sea, African Coasts, Northern Australia, Argentine, and the Pacific Ocean. The nesting areas are found on the coastline of more than 80 countries. Females travel thousands of miles for nesting. Adult female turtles lay their 50-200 eggs close to where they were born. Female turtles mostly lay their eggs…