Regional integration is the act where two or many nation-states accept to unite and elaborate together to access salutation and materials benefits. This integration is usually described by minimum one written agreements that explain the specifics details of elaboration, and which countries interfere in this integration. It can start as economic integration, and then it may become political integration. The promotion of regional integration boosts serious political and economic benefits in the countries that have less power. European Union is a model of regional integration: EU is a model of regional integration. In those past years, EU has been a great example of economic integration, because of the figures of trade conventions. As a consequence, the integration…
As all governments and nations work to remove trade barriers and create greater trading opportunities, the school of thought has been global trade liberalization and/or regional free trade agreements. While economists and politicians have argued on both sides of this issue, there has yet to be a consensus on the most optimal arrangements. This is a complex and multifaceted question which requires finesse and cooperation among nations and globally. Presented is an analysis of regional free…
and the ASEAN Economic Community ASEAN has accomplished a lot of its economic targets in the four pillars of the ASEAN Economic Community. However, it did not meet its ultimate goal of complete economic integration by 2015. It was a milestone to integrate on various levels the economies of countries with different political systems and economic standing, but a lot more need to done for complete integration; hence, a revised outlook in the form of the AEC Blueprint 2025. The loss of economic…
In 2010, China surpassed Japan as the world 's second-largest economy. One consequence of this event relates to its significance for the two countries ' competition for global and regional status. Over the last four decades, their trajectories have presented an interesting paradox. As an economic powerhouse, Japan has been considered a global power by the rest of the international community and by other major powers. Yet, within East Asia, Japan has not been attributed regional power status…
Project (GTAP) find that FTA members retain welfare gains through trade creation whereas non-members suffer welfare losses because of trade diversion (Estrada et al., 2011). By applying the CGE model, I can derive the economic output and welfare effects of the FTAs and see how it affects the enhancement of ASEAN’s trade volume. My sample size will be 50 FTAs between ASEAN nations and non-ASEAN nations from the period of 2005-2015, and it will test the effects of trade liberalization, production…
partnership aims to reduce or eliminate tariffs for all trade in goods and services as well as eliminate barriers for investment opportunities in the participating countries. The second element of the agreement is that it facilitates the development of production and supply chains. This part of the agreement specifies that when available supplies for production should come from participating partnership countries. This means that in the textiles industry, since China is not a member of the…
In terms of partners, due to the region’s remoteness to the western strategic interests, the military involvement from our alliance, the U.S., cannot be guaranteed except for technology and intelligence. Therefore, if under the request from the local authority or under UN’s sanction, Australia should be prepared to lead such expeditionary operations on its own or in coalition with the regional countries like New Zealand and Indonesia. Although such missions have substantive importance, the…
Us airlines are now accommodating personnel and practices of their strategic partners in order to fully exploit the benefits of their partnerships.Budget and regional airlines on the other hand have used a dynamic human resource system to achieve their goals. Their small size make it easier for them to adjust to changes while maintaining industry wide standards. Because they do not serve a diverse group of people and are focused on a specific market there is no need for simultaneous Human…
processes. d) Marketing strategy - defined as “the position that a company takes with regard to prising, promotion, advertising, product design, and distribution” (Hill, Jones & Schilling 2015, p.125). Aggressive marketing is a core Nike’s competency that drives company’s superior efficiency, especially in area of brand building, consumer brand awareness and brand loyalty. The major marketing projects are mobile and web commerce, highly technological and attractive advertising, sponsorship,…
alternatives. Unfortunately fundamental difficulties with Cadez’s supporting literature, cluster analytical technique and execution of his research mean that the reported results must be treated with caution. Cadez notes in his article that his findings should be viewed in the context of it’s limitations. Cadez is the first to admit that despite it’s shortcomings, the contingency paradigm is likely to remain dominant in empirical research concerned with relationships between strategy and…