As novelist and playwright Gao Xingjian states, "It 's in literature that true life can be found. It 's under the mask of fiction that you can tell the truth” (Xingjian 2008). I begin to wonder if Xingjian 's insight can be applied to all texts in literature, and whether the truth is in fact guarded by the writer 's literary style. Perhaps it is the technique that gives clues to allow me, the reader, to decipher the hidden truth. I wonder if the writing style highlights the philosophy, or if the philosophy is what encourages the use of a certain technique. Furthermore, as I come across various texts, I begin to understand the interconnection between a writer 's style and the message that he or she is attempting to convey. As a result,…
give an evaluation of our performance. This is my evaluation for my performance in the show, class, and rehearsals. First, is my evaluation of my performance. My performance as a whole went well. There were few mistakes, but some parts could have looked better. The technique was great for the most part and looked clean. The timing was wrong in the first variation on Friday night. I think that I either went a little too fast , or too slow. My timing was off in the closing too. I went a little…
Have you ever heard the phrase “near-enemy” used before? No? Well, a near-enemy is when two things look very similar but are intrinsically different. I first read the phrase in a Louise Penny book, where she wrote about a woman who appeared compassionate and caring, but in fact wanted others to be totally helpless so they would need her. The woman seemed to have good intentions, but she was, in fact, hurting others so that she could receive gratitude from them. A near-enemy appears to be one…
How to Write with Style Everyone has his or her own writing style, and some writing styles are considerably more distinct than others; however, anyone’s writing style can and should be improved over time. There really is no one specific or perfect way to write because everyone has different opinions on what is well written and what is poorly written, so it is important to alter one’s style so as to capture the attention of very different audiences. Kurt Vonnegut, an amazingly talented author…
The explorer conditioning technique (ECT): Treat a new task as a quest for new discoveries. To be able to perform at your peak, you have to love what you are doing. Whether it’s acting, bartending or washing dishes, you have to learn to love what you do. One way to achieve this is to technically act like any explorer would, which is to be thrilled by something new every day (or treat everything as such even when it’s not new). It should be as if each task you were making were coming…
Therapy Tree, 2016). Therefore, having fascia working at its optimal level is necessary when performing everyday movements as well as more strenuous physical activities. When fascia is injured or damaged in any way, it can make movement painful and at times unbearable. To elaborate, fascia becomes inflexible when it has been through physical trauma or inflammation, causing tension and pain in the surrounding tissue area (Cutler, 2010). A physical therapist will use the myofascia release therapy…
According to the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), the strong correlation between reading and writing serves as proof of the necessity of teaching students various types of writing. Before a writer can employ a certain style of language, he or she first needs to be introduced to that language through reading ("NCTE”). Without this initial encounter of a particular technique or genre of writing, students will remain unequipped and lack the extensive palette that is essential to…
critical analysis is essentially “a person or group of people who are perceived to be different in some fundamental way from oneself and the group one perceives one belongs to” (“Other”). That is, the Other is a group of people that are demonized and are less than the those that do the othering, the subject. The immigrant experience, specifically the Japanese immigrant experience before and during WWII, is an example of this term. In the novel, the narrators are set apart from the white people…
While “Araby” uses emotions through many metaphors and ambiguous terms, “Maladies” uses a much more unemotional, straightforward style throughout the story so as to paint a picture for the reader. Take the last paragraph in each story for example; in “Araby” the narrator is “gazing up into the darkness” and sees himself “a creature driven and derided by vanity; and [his] eyes burned with anguish and anger” (16). This exceedingly metaphorical sentence, the reader is forced to substitute their own…
other people and tell their life style and story and not his life style and story, so he makes Hamlet up and basically tells everything through Hamlet, so he wouldn’t have to tell all of his business. In Hamlet he tells a lot about his feelings and his feelings towards this girl and his father’s marriage because he probably wants everyone to know how love is and how parents shouldn’t…