In other words, what have I learned through my education? Have I been trained in one special area or have I gained an education not only in one area, but also in learning about myself and who I am? According to Webster’s dictionary, education is defined by the development and training of one’s mind, character, and skills, as by instruction, study, or example and the knowledge and skill resulting from such instruction and training. By this definition, one might argue that being educated means that you are trained or specialized to do only one thing. I believe as well as many others I have talked to about this subject that an education constitutes far more than just being trained or specialized to do one thing. I do not believe you can confine education to a single definition from a dictionary. I will be the first to admit that certain majors or degrees will set you up to be one-dimensional and specialized for one thing. However, just because you majored in that does not mean you do not receive an overall education different from that of your major. An education is more or less just as important. You see there is so much more to education than just training to be a biologist, a doctor, or a…
What Motivated Me to Start College? As I grew up, my mom always told me that education is the key to unlock a brighter future. She also expressed to me in many ways that once I receive my education no one could ever take it away from me. My career job in the near future was another reason that motivated me because most jobs today especially in the medical field require you to have a degree or certification in a specific area. Finally, I enrolled in Trident Technical College to higher my level of…
naming of the Act. The Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1984 was renamed by Perkins (IV) to as Career and Technical Education (Dortch, 2012). The 1984 Act focused on expanding, improving and modernizing the vocational education programs (CTE legislation History, n.d). On the other hand, the 2006 Act places focus on reinforcing the existing accountability system. This was achieved by introducing independent core indicators of performance in secondary and post-secondary levels. The…
Education is imperative and open doors for many opportunities in the future. There are many people that lack post secondary education. Some adults argue that they do not pursue higher education because of the cost of tuition. On the other hand, some argue that they do not believe that higher education is necessary and will not assist them in the long run. As a result, they find it difficult to obtain decent careers. It is emphasized that obtaining a college degree can significantly increase your…
Many community and technical colleges presently are encountering conceivably the highest expectations and greatest challenges in their histories. States are progressively moving to higher education funding methods that distributes funding centered on performance indicators such as completion time to degree and student retention. Furthermore, accrediting agencies are requiring higher levels of accountability concerning outcomes, as are governments and businesses concerned over the importance…
In order to better compete in the world market place the US education system will need to adapt to current world standards and update existing protocols and methodologies. STEM educational criteria outlines the basic pathways for technical education improvements. Working on the foundational aspects of education presented within the STEM approach educators can teach fundamental engineering and technical skills while reinforcing mathematical and science based curricula. Global markets are…
Education is an intricate part in the world today. Every nation must take strides to educate their citizens or future generations will be surpassed. This is especially true for many Hispanic countries around the world. This paper will provide an analysis of the education process and education opportunities in both Colombia and Mexico. Colombia is a large country located at the tip of South America and is home to over 48 million people. The education system in Colombia differs greatly from the…
Late 19th and early 20th century, the history of African Americans in the critical moment, WEB DuBois and Booker T. Washington have each put forward a revitalization of black nationalism to win equal rights program, which led to a serious cause of black ideological circles controversy. In fact, the goal of DuBois and Booker T. Washington is consistent, that is, blacks are no longer subjected to discrimination and stigmatization, enjoy constitutional civil rights and genuine freedom and equality.…
community and technical colleges play an important role in producing baccalaureate degree graduates in Washington State. State Board of Community and Technical Colleges advocated for the community and technical college applied baccalaureate programs to help meet state goals for increasing the overall number of baccalaureate degrees awarded. These degrees will also help to expand the workforce mission of community and technical colleges to serve the needs of local and state employers. Most…
Integrated Communications Strategy Statement: “Commercial HVAC clients want established and experienced service providers with a strong local presence. A strong local presence give consumers more brand confidence in a provider’s ability to maintain quality and efficient customer service, creating higher customer loyalty and continued customer relationships.” Why are we advertising? Casto Technical, Inc. has recently gone through some major internal changes. Therefore, it is of utmost…