Causes of Students Failing Essay

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    As students grow and continue in their education,there are more and more essays assigned. It is the job of the student to figure out the right and wrong way to write an essay. While this is subjective to the students, there are few standard rules that will either lead a student to failing grade or up to the top of the class. While some students prefer to wait until last minute, allow for distractions, and proofread the minimal amount, students who plan on getting a high grade on an essay plan ahead, stay true to their individual writing style, and proofread, proofread, proofread. Every student believes that his or her way to write an essay is the most time efficient and the best; however, most students have bad habits that make for a bad essay. The biggest problem across the board is procrastination. Every student has had a midnight deadline where he or she did not submit the essay until 11:59 on the dot. This habit causes students to become more stressed while writing due to the lack of time. Students who procrastinate run into problems because when they have questions or a technical malfunction there is not time to send an email for clarification. Instead, the student it stuck in a situation where he or she gives up and submits whatever is finished or ends up missing the deadline entirely. Pushing off a deadline is one of the biggest reasons for students failing papers. Another mistake students make while writing an essay is they allow for…

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    Why Plagiarism Is Good

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    Plagiarism is defined as; “ intentional unacknowledged use or incorporation of any other person's work in, or as a basis for, one's own work offered for academic consideration or credit or for public presentation”. In this essay I will be informing you on why plagiarism is not a good idea when writing an essay and what consequences may lead up to your actions. The University of Utah and Brigham Young University are some the amazing colleges I am really looking forward to attending after I…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The word plagiarism is derived from the Latin word plagiarius which means to kidnap. (Flemming, 2008, p. 1) Ranging from a few sentences to a whole essay, students have used works other than their own. Plagiarism is a social issue that continues to grow in today’s society. A look into the matter of academic dishonesty, as well as a solution to the problem, should be explored. First, there are copious types of plagiarism. Some forms of this academic dishonesty may even be unconscious. Next, a…

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  • Improved Essays

    maybe. Some believe that failing kids can be discouraging. This is creating kids to believe by just showing up they will pass. Nothing will be gained by this, rather they will only hurt the kids in their futures by creating lazy habits and no work ethic. If kids are taught by just giving minimal effort towards their tasks in their futures, they are most likely going to fail. Not only will they fail, they won’t have the experience and knowledge of what to do to overcome failure. Failing kids…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    tests are important and that we should add even more tests while others believe the tests are flawed, and therefore should be shortened. I think that we should reduce the amount of tests the students are taking, improve them instead. In this paragraph, I will explain a main piece of evidence used to back up the statement tests are flawed; how tests make people feel. In the TED Talk, the man (Bob Sternberg) explained how after failing the tests, he felt stupid and other people saw him as stupid,…

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  • Improved Essays

    Fine Arts Affect Students

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    How Fine Arts Affect Students Fine arts being incorporated into schools have been shown to have many various effects on students, but what exactly are the effects on students that fine arts have? Ever since 1994, art has been recognized as one of the major academic subjects taught in schools1. Prior to 1994 art classes were not seen as a major requirement in schools and were only taken by students with interest if the school offered the classes. Fine arts have been introduced to schools in the…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    schedule. So It 's important to know how to administer your schedule, because if you don’t, it will ultimately stop you from being the best student and person you can be. A main problem that many freshmen face is, procrastinating a lot. Procrastination is postponing a task or job for later. As a student, I have experienced this many times, when i 'm working on an assignment, I get distracted by my phone, television, or anything. And, I’m always doing my homework at the last-minute. As…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Just about every person in the world has faced procrastination before in their lives. Procrastination is one of the things that I hate because I procrastinate with many things in my life. One of the main things I personally procrastinate most frequently on is school work. I know just about every college student can relate. There are many different reasons why people procrastinate, maybe they do not enjoy the task at hand, maybe they are afraid of failure, or maybe they are just lazy. There are a…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    how his life is going. He’s stressed by the amount of schoolwork he has to do for his classes, he’s disappointing his parents by failing said classes, and he’s being made fun of at school for being an idiot. He ignored it at first, but slowly and surely it got to him. With his life falling down around him and not thinking he’ll amount to anything due to the amount of failure he’s had in the year, the bullies just reinforced the fact that he was stupid, worthless, and disgraceful to the human…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    many high schools there are in the nation how many of them could attest that their majority of students are ready for college. Most high schools would say yes when in all actuality the answer should be no. This is especially true for high schools located in poor socioeconomic areas, and although they may have great graduation rates, but only half of that graduating class would be considered college ready. Socioeconomics have a tremendous impact on how well high schools prepare students for…

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