The concept of caring means to offer one’s self without thought or malice. Caring is the internal attributes a person owns as an individual. Caring is essential and part of the nursing profession. Caring requires respect, knowledge, emotions, feelings, listening abilities, analytical skills and thought process. These qualities should be with the nurse while performing their daily duties. Caring stands on a higher Plato, it is a continuum throughout one’s life. In the hospital we as nurses say we take care of patients. That in itself speaks volume! The question becomes do you want a nurse that is caring or a nurse that is knowledgeable? Caring and knowledge goes hand and hand. Every nurse receive the same degree and take the same examination…
A Caring Nurse Is the Best Nurse Introduction There are countless beliefs and goals of nursing, and numerous nurses have used their own beliefs and values to develop nursing theories. Nursing theories are used to explain a phenomenon in nursing and there are four major nursing concepts that are used to describe the perspective of the theory. The four major concepts are nursing, person, health, and environment (Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall, 2013, pp. 30-31). I found Jean Watson’s theory of…
NURSING ROLES FOR CARE AND PROMOTING HEALTH 2 One of our first assignments in the RN to BSN distance learning program at Western Carolina University involved introducing yourself to classmates and describing why you became a nurse. Over half of the responses stated to help or care for others. A major…
an individual as a whole, a caring nurse can honor the unique perception of health and healing that each patient requires. Those who care for others selflessly do so because of a sincere desire to help and improve the well being of those they come in contact with. A caring moment can be a turning point for both nurse and patient when the nurse chooses to be fully present in the moment, open to the other person without judgment and willing to be compassionate. Nurses lift those up whom have no…
Nursing is a profession that ensures excellence through the incorporation of both the creative art, and the science of nursing. Nursing as a community has a commitment to deliver compassionate, holistic care to all patients in a competent, ethical, and caring manner. Caring and empathy are fundamental qualities of the nursing profession, that characterize concern and consideration for the whole person, the commitment to the common good, and the outreach to those who are vulnerable. The nursing…
In this this assessment I am going to share the practice changes I have seen as a nurse in my practice setting that have influenced nursing care from a compassionate care perspective. Also, I would like to analyze these findings of the current caring culture on the basis of evidence and using the effective workplace culture framework, finally concluding with the recommendations to develop and improve the caring culture. Change is a continuing process. Changes are necessary and sometimes…
The actions taken during the time of patient’s care is called nursing. Nightingale considers nursing as a kind service to humanity with the intention of alleviating pain and sufferings (Black, 2017). Nurses act as advocates, teacher, and caregiver by making a trusting relationship with the patient and their families. In every circumstance, the primary responsibility of a nurse is to protect their patient from the harm (Black, 2017). Through the process of nursing, using the critical thinking…
Caring in Nursing Practice Caring is a central component of nursing practice (Burtson & Stichler, 2010). Research on the concept of caring in nursing has shown that there is a strong correlation between caring and patient satisfaction (Burtson & Stichler, 2010). Furthermore, a lack of caring can have devastating consequences such as suffering, or even death due to negligence (Oosthuizen & Devente, 2010). Because caring is such an important aspect of quality care, nurses should maintain…
concept of caring can take on many diverse yet similar definitions. For me, being caring involves displaying a variety of qualities, where there receiver, in this case the patients, know that they are valuable to us, their nurses. Firstly caring involves giving your time to your patients and just be with them, as, Swanson, 1991 indicated in her structure of Caring. Besides the physical appearance, being with your patients also involves being empathic towards them, that is having “the ability…
questions as to whether or not the average certified nursing assistant (CNA)…