1.Dominic cries Data Specific Content On October 5th, Geri (one of the class teachers) while teaching a science lesson introduced students to the class pets, 2 frogs. Students studied the projected pictures of the frogs and decided to name the frogs Star and Pepper based on their physical attributes. Later on, Geri unveiled the frogs to a visibly excited class and divided students into small groups to observe the frogs. Connecting their observation to lesson teaching point to “what scientists do” Geri instructed students to record their observations or questions in their science journal. A reward was attached to completing the task, “show me your drawings and written observations in your science journal and you would be allowed to choose…
The effect of personal anecdotal evidence on confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the common human tendency to notice or seek out information which confirms our already existing beliefs while ignoring evidence which conflicts our beliefs. It is particularly prevalent in cases where our beliefs are mere prejudice or based on superstition. Confirmation bias is the reason why many people believe in the supernatural such as ESP, lucky charms or the lunar effect: a claim that human behaviour is…
books, “The Empathetic Civilization,” and “Humanity On A Tightrope,” in which they state “empathy is the main driving force of human progress and humanity will need more of it to survive.” He also quotes another author on bullying saying that “the scariest part of bullying is the utter lack of empathy.” All these examples make you feel like empathy is very important in human survival. But then nine paragraphs into the article, the author throws a big curveball at his audience saying that empathy…
The study conducted under Lentini and DeHaan highlights that investigators cannot use patterns as a method to establish how a fire started. This is what caused arson investigation to be described as needing “much more research on the natural variability of burn patterns and damage characteristics” (NCJRS, 2009). This means that arson experts cannot simply look at patterns to determine its origin because there is still a lot unknown about arson and fire patterns in general. This is a common…
abnormally thick and short lingual frenulums that are characteristic of ankyloglossia, and articulation problems in the many patients with this disorder. Because much of the evidence to support a correlation between speech impediments and tongue tie is anecdotal, it is disregarded by some members of the scientific community, while others believe it is strong enough to prove ankyloglossia does cause problems in articulation. Much like the connection between ankyloglossia and speech, many argue…
After examining Dr. Carol S. Dweck’s article, “The Secret to Raising Smart Kids,” we can use that she makes a compelling argument for her Scientific American audience through the use of rhetorical strategies. The first technique she employs involves strong organizational structure. To start her piece, Dweck used an anecdotal example to pull her readers’ attention and give them a previous view of how someone’s mindset could affect his life. Dweck described that, once there was “ [a] brilliant…
One of the most compelling pieces of anecdotal evidence Hofstadter utilizes in his essay revolves around the concept of McCarthyism. Through the examination of Senator Joseph McCarthy, Hofstadter emphasizes how politicians release fear into vulnerable populations in order to gain attention and power. In the case of Senator McCarthy, the widespread panic of communist ideologies emerged first through the United States icey relationships with the Soviet Union, but became an outspread pandemic when…
article presents empirical evidence from studies conducted. This explores how adolescent drinking affects physical, emotional, and neurological health. In addition the consequences in regards to the neurological health. Furthermore the author gives personal opinions, and anecdotal evidence on how to decrease the amount of alcohol adolescents consume. Throughout the article Melodee provides solution after solution on how to fix this presupposed epidemic. "Effects and Consequences of Underage…
Unruh claims that the main mission of the job is to “Manage the 4-H program and find volunteers. More volunteers equal more activities available.” The job involves promoting 4-H developing youth and ensuring that everything runs smoothly in the assigned county. Like anyone who stays in the same field of work for an extended time, Unruh has undergone many experiences and suffered through crippling lows. Whether it is a mom complaining about her child’s placing, or a dad making excuses for his…
Hamlet’s actions throughout the play support this deceitful nature. His dual personalities are the foundation of his madness. There are many examples that illustrate how Hamlet’s deceitful nature results in a tragedy because of his inability to choose which role to play. In Act One, Hamlet appears to be very straightforward in his actions and his role. When his mother questions him, Hamlet says, "Seems, madam? Nay it is. I know not…