The effect of personal anecdotal evidence on confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the common human tendency to notice or seek out information which confirms our already existing beliefs while ignoring evidence which conflicts our beliefs. It is particularly prevalent in cases where our beliefs are mere prejudice or based on superstition. Confirmation bias is the reason why many people believe in the supernatural such as ESP, lucky charms or the lunar effect: a claim that human behaviour is influenced by the position of the moon in its cycle. These kind of beliefs are usually backed up by evidence of personal experience. I will argue that knowledge of the existence of confirmation bias as a widespread phenomenon and how it works will allow people to be less influenced by their own biases and less susceptible to believing in the supernatural. If individuals place less weight on the reliability of personal anecdotal evidence, then aspects of confirmation bias can be avoided. The notion that our perception and memory of events has a direct correspondence to reality is simply wrong. A great deal of research today suggests that what we perceive is not just a result of our eyes and ears but also by what we know to be…
After examining Dr. Carol S. Dweck’s article, “The Secret to Raising Smart Kids,” we can use that she makes a compelling argument for her Scientific American audience through the use of rhetorical strategies. The first technique she employs involves strong organizational structure. To start her piece, Dweck used an anecdotal example to pull her readers’ attention and give them a previous view of how someone’s mindset could affect his life. Dweck described that, once there was “ [a] brilliant…
Contextual bias occurs when the investigators uses irrelevant facts to prove the guilt of a suspect, while confirmation bias occurs when they specifically look for facts that prove a previous assumption. Avoidance of cognitive dissonance occurs when the investigators refuse to accept new information that can disprove their theories. Like the arson study, other investigators conducted studies about how much these forms of bias can influence evidence interpretations. For example, Itiel Dror,…
their observation to lesson teaching point to “what scientists do” Geri instructed students to record their observations or questions in their science journal. A reward was attached to completing the task, “show me your drawings and written observations in your science journal and you would be allowed to choose your prefered activity for choice time.” Dominic was grouped with 5 other students that display strong academic skills hence requiring minimal supervision by the class teachers. The 6…
It is known that anecdotal evidence can support a thesis. In the case of Dimeo, he appears to have used the examples of David Millar, Marco Pantani and Calllum Priestley to support his thesis. Furthermore, he develops each case, noting how they affected the sporting community. In a way this too can be seen as a rule of three, three different cases surrounding the same issue which represent the majority of doping cases. The desired result is most likely to further persuade Dimeo's audience while…
One of the most compelling pieces of anecdotal evidence Hofstadter utilizes in his essay revolves around the concept of McCarthyism. Through the examination of Senator Joseph McCarthy, Hofstadter emphasizes how politicians release fear into vulnerable populations in order to gain attention and power. In the case of Senator McCarthy, the widespread panic of communist ideologies emerged first through the United States icey relationships with the Soviet Union, but became an outspread pandemic when…
has also risen. Silveri argues multiple studies have shown similar linear progressions in both depression, and alcohol consumption by adolescents. Silveri states the brain doesn’t stop developing until age twenty five, therefore any drinking done beforehand will have negative effects on specifically memory, and ability to learn. Silveri argues the brain is susceptible to alcohol effects at a much more significant rate if you are under the age of twenty-one. Furthermore according to the author…
feeding issues, with sixty-nine percent (cite pg) indicating it frequently or always causes feeding difficulties (Messner & Lalakea, 2000). These effects are detrimental to both mother and child, and warrant measures to be taken to ensure their health and safety. Though many claim there is not enough strong evidence to support the hypothesis that ankyloglossia causes articulation problems, there are still many who believe this is in fact the case. In the journal article Ankyloglossia: To clip or…
books, “The Empathetic Civilization,” and “Humanity On A Tightrope,” in which they state “empathy is the main driving force of human progress and humanity will need more of it to survive.” He also quotes another author on bullying saying that “the scariest part of bullying is the utter lack of empathy.” All these examples make you feel like empathy is very important in human survival. But then nine paragraphs into the article, the author throws a big curveball at his audience saying that empathy…
Berny Unruh has been the 4-H youth development agent in Barton county for 17 years. During her time in Barton, Unruh has seen countless children grow into capable young adults and gain knowledge to prepare them for the future. Her path has been an interesting one, but it has led to countless memories and great opportunities in her field. Throughout her childhood Unruh was an active member of the Munden 4-H club in Republic county. As she entered her teens, Unruh found a passion for teaching from…