Adrienne Rich, born in 1929 in Baltimore, Maryland, died in 2012, was an influential poet and essayist, as well as feminist and political activist. Rich was the eldest of two daughters, and was largely influenced by her parents. Her father, Arnold Rice Rich was the Chairman of Pathology at Johns Hopkins, and always encouraged Adrienne to read and write her own poetry as much as possible. Her early influences include Arnold, Blake, Keats, and Tennyson. Her mother was a concert pianist and composer, another influence on her artistic abilities. Her parents wanted to raise a prodigy, and Rich worked hard to achieve this (Doc 1). She went to college at Radcliffe College, focusing on poetry and writing craft. College was one of the first major experiences in her life that involved gender inequality, in…
and thus different perspectives. Adrienne Rich uses her writing as a political outlet to be able to convey her message to the masses. She was a woman that strived for social justice and wrote about many inequalities. Though a lot of her writing was about social inequalities and the problems within, all of her pieces came from her moral compass. For example, her choice to be a feminist influenced her writing immensely and increased the feminist pieces she wrote. It is inevitable writers often…
In my life education has been one of the most important thing. Although I was not always the best student I made it a point to be in the class, paying attention as much as possible. That was not the case in many of the classes I was in though. I had trouble from a young age with certain subjects and because of that when I got to high school I was put into classes with people who were at the same level. The problem with that was that the majority of the students in those classes were as Adrienne…
After carefully evaluating the speech spoken by Adrienne Rich, it was apparent that she argued for women to stand up and take control of their education instead of just tolerating it. She presents this speech to an audience of women at a women’s only institution in 1977, resulting in her speech mainly focusing on women who were academically discriminated to their belief. During her speech she desires her audience to be assertive and to strive for self-respect to help women universally, which…
Adrienne Rich 's piece, “Diving into the Wreck” published in 1973 takes readers on a journey to the seemingly complex pits of the ocean to view a vividly described shipwreck (McKay, “Adrienne Rich”). Rich paints a picture of her mysterious journey to the shipwreck and forces the audience to take a closer look at what the shipwreck as well as her overall journey are truly symbolizing. Adrienne Rich effortlessly includes several elements and vehicles of poetry within her piece such as imagery,…
“Diving into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich and Feminism This paper intends to examine the relationship between “Diving into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich and Feminism. She as an author has had much influence in feminist writers and females in general by opening doors for them with her work. Feminism is not just a random word, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary the definitions are: 1) - the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities and 2) - organized activity in…
of self-discovery, new experiences, independence, but above all, the time to work toward a higher education. Adrienne Rich, in her convocation speech “Claiming an Education,” highlights the vital importance of higher education. Moreover, Rich seeks to empower the young women in the audience to seize control of their education. In her speech, Rich explains that it is not only important for women to attain a college degree, but to take command of their education (and their lives in general) by…
Responsibility over your education Claiming an education is easier said than done and as you grow older you begin to realize how responsible you are over your own education. In Adrienne Rich’s essay, “Claiming an Education,” she makes an argument about responsibility for all students. In her opinion it is important, within the educational community, to truly take control over our own education. That is to say, you as a student has to be engage with what is being taught to you. Rich states,…
specific agenda. Creative writing however is also shaped by an authors political belief thus making it a much more political form of writing; therefore, the more political the author the more that comes out in there writing. In Adrienne Rich’s work Diving into the wreck she has overtly political poems that are real and still relevant in todays politics this is very prominent in her poem “Rape”. She writes some of her more…
Power comes with responsibility. To take responsibility for oneself is to empower oneself, and vice versa. The more power one has, the more responsibility they must also possess. The more responsible for themselves someone is, the more power they have over themselves. This is put especially well in Adrienne Rich’s essay, “Claiming an Education,” when she speaks of the unequal treatment women were receiving from a male-dominated society, and how if a woman is to have power over herself where…