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127 Cards in this Set

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the study of the human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized; it is the science of the structure of organisms or of their parts


The study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures


Also known as microscopic anatomy, is the study of tiny structures found in living tissues


The basic units of all living things, from bacteria to plants to animals, including human beings.


A colorless jelly-like substance found inside cells in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and water are present.


The dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell; it plays an important part in cell reproduction and metabolism.


The protoplasm of a cell, except for the protoplasm in the nucleus, that surrounds the nucleus; it is the watery fluid that cells need for growth, reproduction, and self-repair.

Cell membrane

The cell part that encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell.


The usual process of cell reproduction of human tissues that occurs when the cell divides into two identical cells called daughter cells.


Small structures near the nucleus that move to each side during the mitosis process to help divide the cell.


A chemical process that takes place in living organisms, through which the cells are nourished and carry out their activities.


Constructive metabolism; the process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones. During this process, the body stores water, food, and oxygen for the times when these substances will be needed for cell growth, reproduction, or repair.


The phase of metabolism that involves the breaking down of complex compounds within the cells into smaller ones. This process releases energy that has been stored.


A collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.

Connective Tissue

Fibrous tissue that binds together, protects, and supports the various parts of the body.

Epithelial Tissue

A protective covering on body surfaces, such as skin, mucous membranes, the tissue inside the mouth, the lining of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and the glands.

Muscle Tissue

Contracts and moves various parts of the body.

Nerve tissue

Carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions.


Structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform functions in plants and animals.

Body systems

groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions.

Skeletal System

Forms the physical foundation of the body and is composed of 206 bones that vary in size and shape and are connected by movable an immovable joints.


The connection between two or more bones of the skeleton.


The skeleton of the head and is divided into two parts: cranium and facial skeleton.

Occipital Bone

Hindmost bone of the skull, below the parietal bones; forms the back of the skull above the nape.

Parietal bones

Bones that form the sides and top of the cranium.

Frontal bones

Bone that forms the forehead.

Temporal Bones

Bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region.

Ethmoid Bone

Light spongy bone between the eye sockets; form part of the nasal cavities.

Sphenoid bone

Bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together.

Nasal bones

Bones that form the bridge of the nose.

Lacrimal bones

small, thin bones located at the front inner wall of the orbits

Zygomatic bones

bones that form the prominence of the cheeks


Bones of the upper jaw


lower jawbone

Hyoid bone

U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles

Cervical vertebrae

The seven bones of the top part of the vertebral column, located in the neck region.


Consists of the sternum, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae. It is an elastic, bony cage that serves as a protective framework for the heart, lungs, and other internal organs.


Large, flat, triangular bone of the shoulder.


Flat bone that forms the front support of the ribs.


Bone that joins the sternum and the scapula


Uppermost and largest bone in the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder.


Smaller bone int he forearm on the same side as the thumb.




Bones of the palm of the hand


Heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee


Larger of the two bones that form the leg below the knee. The tibia may be visualized as a bump on the big-toe side of the ankle.


Smaller of the two bones that form the leg below the knee; may be visualized as a bump on the little-toe side of the ankle




Ankle bone

Muscular System

The body system that covers, shapes, and holds the skeletal system in place


the study of the nature, structure, function, and diseases of the muscles

Striated muscles

Muscles that are attached to the bones and are voluntary or are consciously controlled.

Nonstriated muscles

Smooth muscles; Muscles that are involuntary and function automatically without conscious will.


The part of the muscle that does not move and is attached closest to the skeleton.


The middle part of the muscle


The part of the muscle that moves and is farthest from the skeleton


Occipitofrontalis; broad muscle that covers the top of the skull and consists of the occipitalis and frontalis


Back portion of the epicranius; the muscle that draws the scalp backwards.


Front portion of the epicranius; the muscle of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, and causes wrinkles across the forehead.

Epicranial aponuerosis

Tendon that connects the occipitalis and frontalis muscles

Auricularis superior

Muscle above the ear that draws the ear upward

Auricularis anterior

Muscle in front of the ear that draws the ear forward.

Auricularis posterior

Muscle behind the ear that draws the ear backward.

Masseter and Temporalis

Muscles of mastication, chewing muscles

Platysma muscle

Broad muscle extending from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin; responsible for lowing the lower jaw and lip


Muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head

Oribcularis oculi muscle

ring muscle of the eye sockets; enables you to close your eyes

Corrugator muscle

Muscle located beneath the frontalis and orbicularis oculi that draws the eyebrows down and wrinkles the forehead vertically.

Procuerus muscle

Covers the bridge of the nose, lowers the eyebrows, and causes wrinkles across the bridge of the nose

Buccinator muscle

Thin, flat muscle of the cheek between the upper and lower jaw that compresses the cheeks and expels air between the lips

Depressor labii inferioris muscle

Muscle surrounding the lower lip; lowers the lip and draws it to one side, as in expressing sarcasm.

Levator anguli oris muscle

Caninus muscle; muscle that raises the angle of the mouth and draws it inward

Levator labii superioris muscle

Muscle surrounding the upper lip, elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostrils, as in expressing distaste.

Mentalis muscle

Muscle that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin.

Orbicularis oris muscle

Flat band of muscle around the upper and lower lips that compresses, contracts, puckers, and wrinkles the lips.

Risorius muscle

Muscle of the mouth that draws the corner of the mouth out and back, as in grinning.

Triangularis Muscle

Muscle extending alongside the chin that pulls down the corner of the mouth.

Zygomaticus major muscles

Muscles on both sides of the face that extend from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth. These muscles pull the mouth upward and backward, as when you are laughing or smiling.

Latissimus dorsi

Large, flat triangular muscle covering the lower back; it helps extend the arm away from the body and rotate the shoulder.

Pectoralis major

Muscles of the chest that assist the swinging movements of the arm

Serratus anterior

Muscle of the chest that assists in breathing and in raising the arm


Muscles that covers the back of the neck and the upper and middle region of the back; rotates and controls swinging movements of the arm


Muscles that produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm; lifts the forearm and flexes the elbow.


Large, triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint that allows the arm to extend outward and to the side of the body.


Large muscle that covers the entire back of the upper arm and extends the forearm.


Muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, and fingers to form a straight line.


Extensor muscle of the wrist involved in flexing the wrist.


Muscle that turns the hand inward so that the palm faces downard


Muscle of the forearm that rotates the radius outward and the palm upward.


Muscles that draw a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe, away from the midline of the body or of an extremity. Separate the fingers.


Muscles that draw a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe, inward toward the median axis of the body or of an extremity. In hand, adductors draw the fingers together.

Extensor digitorum longus

Muscle that bends the foot up and extends the toes.

Extensor hallucis longos

Muscle that extends the big toe and flexes the foot

Tibialis anterior

Muscle that covers the front of the shin; bends the foot upward and inward

Peroneus longus

Muscle that covers the outer side of the calf; inverts the foot and turns it outward

Peroneus brevis

Muscle that originates on the lower surface of the fibula; it bends the foot down and out


Muscle that is attached to the lower rear surface of the heel and pulls the foot downard


Muscle that originates at the upper portion of the fibula and bends the foot down.

Central Nervous System

Consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves. It controls the consciousness and many mental activities, voluntary functions of the five senses and voluntary muscle actions including all body movements and facial expressions.

Peripheral Nervous System

A system of nerves that connects the peripheral parts of the body to the central nervous system; it has both sensory and motor nerves, its function is to carry impulses, or messages, to and from the central nervous system

Autonomic Nervous System

The part of the nervous system that controls the involuntary muscles; it regulates the action of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels, heart, and breathing

Sensory Nerves

Carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain, where sensations such as touch, cold, heat, sight, hearing, taste, smell, pain, and pressure are experienced.

Motor nerves

Carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands


An upper, thin-walled chamber through which blood is pumped to the ventricles. There is a right and left.


Lower, thick-walled chamber that receives blood from the atrium. Right and left


Structures that temporarily close a passage or permit blood flow in only one direction

Pulmonary circulation

Sends the blood from the heart to the lungs to be purified, then back to the heart again.

Systemic circulation

Carries the blood from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart.

Tricuspid valve

Valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart

Mitral valve

Valve between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart

Blood vessels

Tube-like structures that include the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins.


Thick-walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to arterioles.


Small arteries that deliver blood to the capillaries


Tiny, thin-walled blood vessels that connect the smaller arteries to venules. Bring nutrients to the cells and carry away waste materials.


Small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins. They collect blood from the capillaries and drain it into the veins.


Thin-walled blood vessels that are less elastic than arteries; veins contain cup-like valves that keep blood flowing in one direction to the heart and prevent blood from flowing backwards. Carry blood containing waste products back to the heart and lungs for cleaning and to pick up oxygen.

Lymphatic/immune system

Made up of lymph, lymph nodes, thymus gland, the spleen, and lymph vessels. Carries waste and impurities away from the cells and protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease-causing microorganisms.


A clear fluid that circulates in the lymph spaces of the body.

Iterstitial fluid

Blood plasma found in the spaces between tissue cells

Lymph capillaries

Blind end tubes that are the origin or lymphatic vessles

Lymph nodes

Gland-like structures found inside lymphatic vessels; filter lymphatic vessels, which help fight infection

Endocrine System

Group of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual functions, and health of the entire body


Secretory organs that remove and release certain elements from the blood to convert them into new compounds

Endocrine glands

Ductless glands, release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream (thyroid and pituitary glands)

Exocrine Glands

Duct glands, sweat and oil glands of the skin, produce a substance that travels through small, tube-like ducts

Excretory System

Group of organs including the kidneys, liver, skin, large intestine, and lungs, that are responsible for purifying the body by eliminating waste matter.

Integumentary System

Consists of the skin and its accessory organs, such as the oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair and nails.