Trace The Process Of Photosynthesis Research

Improved Essays
How is light energy harvested in photosynthesis?
- The process where plants use light energy and convert it into chemical energy is called photosynthesis. Plants have parts of them like the chlorophyll that is present inside the chloroplast that soak in light starting a process that will end up making ATP. Carbohydrates within the plants are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water. When photosynthesis occurs then sunlight is turned into sugar and this sugar is kept in the molecular bonds of the sugar molecules that are present within the plant. When the plant creates sugar from carbon dioxide and water this ends up making starches which wills tore energy for the plant.

Trace the flow of carbon within the process of photosynthesis. Be
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Next, the photosystems (Photosystems II and I) begin, then these systems create some ATP. The ATP and NADPH are then gone through chemical processes. Once this has completed then the Calvin cycle begins and that’s when the carbons are rearranged several times to then create glucose. Carbon Dioxide is catalyzed by RUBISCO through photosynthesis. Once this occurs several ATP is then created and stored for energy. Then oxygen is released from photosynthesis as well.

If a green plant is exposed to only green light in a laboratory, predict what will happen to the green plant. Why?
- So, green plants are not actually green they reflect the green color. When plants absorb light it is mostly in the colors of the blue and red ends of the color spectrum. If you were to keep a green plant in a laboratory and only exposed it to green light then it would not be able to accept the light as energy which then would not allow the plant to absorb it, thus the plant would not follow out with the normal process of photosynthesis. If the plant can’t carry out the process of photosynthesis then the plant will use the stored energy in the form of starch, and once the starch is used the plant will have nothing else to survive on then it will
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This then releases energy. Anabolism is when metabolic pathways build a molecule from the smaller molecules that had been broke down. This process requires energy and is fueled by catabolism. Photosynthesis is an anabolic process, because of the multipart molecule are formed and created by smaller less multipart molecules. Cellular Respiration is a catabolic process because a multipart molecule is being broken down. This is when biochemical energy would then be formed into ATP, after this happens waste products is let

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