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18 Cards in this Set

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What are the two fundamental truths about usability testing?

The user is the real judge of usability.

As the designer, engineers know too much and know too little to judge the usability of a product.

What are the factors that usability is a combination of?

Intuitive design.

Ease of learning.

Efficiency of use.


Error frequency and severity.

Subjective satisfaction.

What is intuitive design?

How effortless is the use of the product.

What is ease of learning?

How quickly can a user or who has never seen the product before learn to use it.

What is efficiency of use?

How fast can an experienced user accomplish tasks.

What is memorability?

Can a user easily recall how to use the product.

What is error frequency and severity?

How often do users make errors while using the product, and how serious are the errors, and how easily can users recover from the errors.

What is subjective satisfaction?

Is the user happy with the product?

What is a focus group?

A gathering of deliberately selected people who participate in a facilitated discussion intended to elicit consumer perceptions about a particular topic or area of interest.

Which is more important in product design, market surveys or focus groups?

Focus groups

True or false: focus groups still do not address usability.


It is more about feelings.

i.e. what do you like on pizza?

What is the difference between a focus group and a usability test?

A focus group is typically performed with a group of people while usability testing typically is performed one on one.

Focus groups are about understanding peoples feelings and opinions about something while usability tests are about learning how people use things.

It is what users say versus what they do.

What are the seven steps involved in effective usability testing?

Create a prototype.

Come up with a test plan.

Recruit/choose your test participants.

Perform the test.

Analyze the test results.

Document the data.

Report your findings.

According to research how many users do you need in order to test and find the usability problems within a product?


If you have a budget for 15 people, do five at the beginning, five in the middle, five at the end. That will help with the design.

According to Steve Krug a thing is usable if what?

A person of average or even below average ability and experience can figure out how to use the thing for its intended purpose without being more trouble than it’s worth.

What is meant by users being idiosyncratic?

Have a bunch of different views.

How many users to Steve Krug recommend for a usability test?


What are Steve Krug’s six maxims from Rocket Surgery?

Start earlier than you think makes sense.

How often should you test? A morning per month.

Recruit loosely and grade on a curve (target audience is not always feasible).

Make it a spectator sport (gather people to watch).

Focus ruthlessly on a small number of the most important problems (people may focus on low hanging fruit because it is easier instead of doing the most important problems).

When fixing problems always do the least you can do. (Tweak don’t design).