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12 Cards in this Set

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True or false: information processing speed peaks early, then immediately begins to decline.


At what age does short term memory get better until, and then at what age does it begin to decline?



At what age does memory for faces peak and then starts just gradually decline?


At what age range does emotional understanding peak?

40s - 50s

What does emotional understanding mean?

More empathy.

Able to understand emotions that people feel.

When does crystallized intelligence peak?

60s and 70s

What is the full hard drive theory?

The more things you have in memory the longer will be your search time.

What are other terms for fluid and crystallized intelligence?

Fluid = intelligence.

Crystallized = wisdom.

What is fluid intelligence?

Refers to the ability to reason, analyze, and solve problems.

When we use fluid intelligence, we aren’t relying on any pre-existing knowledge.

What is crystallized intelligence?

Refers to the knowledge you acquired through experience and education.

Referencing pre-existing knowledge: facts, skills, and information you learned in school or from past experience.

What are the stages of diffusion of innovation curve?


Early adopters.

Early majority.

Late majority.


What are laggards?

People that don’t want to abandon the old way.