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12 Cards in this Set

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How do circadian rhythms affect human error?

They can shift slightly which can have a big impact on performance.

What is an example of the keyhole effect?

Modified control room panels to a computer screen which caused the operators to have to scroll up and down to look for their info.

What is alarm cascade?

Having multiple alarms going off at once raising stress.

How long are humans able to maintain vigilance?

30 minutes.

High cognitive load.

People get tired.

Lose all vigilance after two hours.

What is slip?

Know what to do, done it before, intended to do it, but still messed up.

What are the three reasons slip happens?

Error can occur because you are trained and used to it.


Attention capture.

Which people are the most prone to slips due to automaticity?

The smartest.

How do you avoid slips?

Forcing functions.

Poka Yoke.

Provide time for recovery.

True or false: as stress increases, skilled operators get better than novice operators.


What are the two examples of violations?

Lack of motivation (errors of omission).

Too much motivation (errors of commission) i.e. production incentives that led to shortcuts.

True or false: you should try to change people not the situation.


True or false: you should strive for error tolerant designs.
