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37 Cards in this Set

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What was the issue in the Flixborough incident when it comes to the people they had working?

They were motivated people without a lot of knowledge.

What are the three levels of the SRK model?

Skill-based level.

Rule based level.

Knowledge based level.

What is the rule base level?

Operating on tasks they are familiar with but not expert.

Pattern matching is a part of the rule base level.

What is pattern matching?

Looking for cues or rules that they recognize from past experience to make a decision.

What is the knowledge based level?

The task is novel and people have limited experience.

No rules stored from past experiences.

Forced to resort to analytical problem solving processing using conceptual information/theory.

What does the term knowledge refer to?

Learning concepts, principles and information regarding a particular subject(s) by a person through books, media, encyclopedias, academic institutions, and other sources.

What does the term skill refer to?

The ability of using information and applying it in a context.

In other words, knowledge refers to theory and skill refers to successfully applying that theory and practice and getting expected results.

_____ is an intentional effort to improve performance by helping employees _____ acquire the skills and knowledge required for their work.



Training is designed to increase the _____ at which employees learn and build skills.


What does the best method of training depend on?

Individual learning style

Who developed the VAK model?

Walter Burke Barbe

What are the elements of the VAK model?

Visual learners.

Auditory learners.

Kinesthetic (tactile) learners.

Define visual learners.

They have a preference for seeing (visual aids that represent ideas using methods other than words, such as graphs, charts, diagrams, symbols, etc.).

Define auditory learners.

Best learn through listening (lectures, discussions, tapes, etc.).

Define kinesthetic learners.

Prefer to learn via experience - moving, touching, and doing (active exploration of the world, science projects, experiments, etc.).

Sometimes the VAK model becomes the VAKS model. What does the S stand for?


Which item in the VAK model is college not geared towards?


What are learning curves based on?

The premise that people and organizations become better at their tasks as they are repeated.

What does asymptotic mean?


What is the typical rate of learning?


What are two types of skill types?

Perceptual motor skills.

Cognitive skills.

Which skill type is more rapidly forgotten and which skill type shows limited degradation over time?

Cognitive skills are more rapidly forgotten.

Perceptual motor skills show limited degradation over time.

What are examples of perceptual motor skills?

Driving, flight control, sports skills, procedural memory.

What is an example of cognitive skills?

Semantic (declarative) memory.

What are the strengths of long term memory?

Frequency and recency.


What is a term for forgetting?

Memory decay.

What type of learning is most rapidly forgotten?

Rote learning.

Define linking/processing.

Doing the mental work to form meaningful associations.

What are the human factors guidelines for long-term memory?

Encourage reuse and rehearsal.


Memory aids.

Careful design of information.

What thing is most indicative of intelligence?

Working memory

True or false: the better your working memory is the better your learning is.


What are the stages of learning?

Declarative knowledge.

Procedural knowledge.


What is remission?

Operator forgets something learned when away from the job.

What is a mental model?

A representation of some domain or situation that supports understanding, reasoning, and prediction.

Mental models permit reasoning about situations not directly experienced.

They allow people to mentally simulate the behavior of a system.

Where do mental models come from?


What is situational awareness?

The perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and a projection of their status in the near future.

What are the human factors guidelines for training?

Realize training takes effort.

Train in chunks.

Teach/train in different modalities.

Feedback and rehearsal.

Putting information in the real world (memory aids).