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24 Cards in this Set

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Define automation.

Automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electrical devices to take the place of human labor.

Define autonomous.

Existing or capable of existing independently.

What is a human factors definition of automation?

The circumstances when a machine (often a computer) assumes a task that is otherwise performed by the human operator.

What are the six automation levels defined by the society of automotive engineers?

0 no automation.

1 - driver assistance.

2 partial automation.

3 - conditional automation.

4 - high automation.

5 full automation.

What level did Commander Ike say Tesla was at?

Level 2. Partial automation.

According to Wickens, reasons for automating can be binned into what 4 categories?

Impossible or hazardous.

Difficult or unpleasant.

Extend human capability.

Technically possible.

What are examples of impossible or hazardous?

Hazardous material handling.

Disability aids.

What are examples of difficult or unpleasant?

Assembly operations.


Monitoring for rare events.

i.e. oil pressure light coming on.

What are examples of extend human capability?

Supplement memory.

Reduce Cognitive workload.

Increase multitasking ability.

What do they mean by technically possible?

Because we can.


i.e. auto parallel parking.

What are the four stages of automation according to Wickens?

Information acquisition, selection, and filtering.

Information integration (diagnose).

Action selection and choice.

Control and action execution.

True or false: when automation is incorrect decision errors are not linear to the error rate of the automation. Error rates are worse than having received no aid at all.


Wickens and Dixon found that __% reliability was the crossover point for automation and manual control. Meaning, if the automated system was less than __% reliable, it was worse than no automation.


What are the reasons for unreliable perceptions?

It is in fact unreliable.

Not designed for certain situations.

Incorrect set up of system.

Appears to act in error.

What is automation surprise?

When you come to trust the reliability, focus attention elsewhere, and get surprised by it messing up.

Define mistrust.

When trust is not directly linked to reliability.

Define distrust.

Trust is too low. May lead to suboptimum performance and inefficiencies. Not always tied to severe consequences.

Define overtrust.

Trust is too high. Synonymous with complacency. Severe consequences when failure does occur.

What are the implications of highly reliable automation?

Human detection errors.

Inadequate situational awareness.

Skill loss.

What is Endsley’s automation conundrum?

A situation in which as more autonomy is added to a system, and its reliability and robustness increase, the lower the situation awareness of human operators and the less likely that they will be able to take over manual control when needed

What is adaptive automation?

Brings the manual back in from time to time and then goes back to automated.

What are other consequences of automation?


Training and certification needed.

Loss of human cooperation.

Loss of Job satisfaction.

What are Wickens six human-centered automation considerations?

Keep the human informed.

Keep the human trained.

Keep the operator in the loop.

Select appropriate stages and levels for imperfect automation.

Make automation flexible and adaptive.

Maintain a positive management philosophy.

In Endsley’s paper of 20 guidelines for the design of Human-Autonomy Systems, what are the first four guidelines?

Automate only if necessary.

Use automated assistance for routine tasks rather than higher level cognitive functions.

Provide situational awareness support rather than decisions.

Keep the operator in control and in the loop.