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18 Cards in this Set

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What is parent child interaction therapy (PCIT)?

Behavioral therapy for parents and children.

What is fluid intelligence?

Abilities to learn, process, problem-solve, how creative you can think.

Peaks around age 30.

What is crystallized intelligence?

Someone’s fund of knowledge.

Words, concepts, math ability, able to put things in concept.

True or false: infants ability to recognize language increases after year one.


It sharply declines after year one.

What were the topics that Piaget studied in infants?

Stranger anxiety.

Object permanence.

Deferred imitation.

True or false: infants had no stranger anxiety for the first six months.


What is object permanence?

The understanding that things still exist even if it is not in front of you.

What is deferred imitation?

Able to imitate even when person is gone.

When do infants develop their vision?

In the first six months.

True or false: infants prefer sour taste versus sweet.


What is animistic thinking?

Seeing things as living things.

i.e. worried about leaving a stuffed animal in the dark.

What is egocentric?

Not good at seeing things from others point of view.

What is autonomy?

Doing things on your own.

What is a person fable?

Kids see themselves as invulnerable.

Bad things will happen to other people.

When it comes to adolescents, what is an imaginary audience?

Feel like everyone is watching.

Can be self critical.

True or false: midlife crisis is not really a thing.


True or false: intelligence declines with age.


Fluid intelligence does. Crystallized does not. Overall stays fairly consistent.

What are cohort effects?

20-year-olds look better than older people.

How do you know the reason they are better?