3). The idea that the government should further regulate gun control to the extent of the average citizen being forbidden to use a gun is unreasonable. The ratio of the number of good, law-abiding citizens to the number of crime-bound citizens favors that of the good citizens by an extremely large margin. How is it fair for the government to punish all citizens for the action of a minority of criminals? It is not one of the “life isn’t fair” moments, but in this situation not only does it punish the law-abiding citizens, but it also helps the citizens who are trying to obey the laws and protect their communities. If guns are banned and the law-abiding citizens are obeying the law, then when the criminals attempt to commit a crime, it is going to be much easier for them to get away with it because the average citizen is not going to have any way to protect his or herself. According to NRA’s mantra, “[the] only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” (Hughes). So, not only does banning guns make it easier for a criminal to commit a crime, but it also disseminates any chance of stopping the criminal from committing the …show more content…
The only thing that banning guns would do is cause the criminal to have to look harder to find a gun, which in turn will make him or her even more frustrated. So, it is not the regulation of guns that needs to be changed. “There is only one way to stop killers from killing: Put them where they can’t get access to a gun, knife, explosives, car or any other lethal weapon”