I'm very active in UNM's collegiate chapter of the National Association for Music Educators and in the past three years I have served as secretary, vice president, and …show more content…
I've held this position for about three years. This job is one that has taught me how to communicate with performers and audience members alike. I'm also around and about every Wednesday night after classes as an intern (formally known as a Brabson Scholar) for the Children's Chorus. This allows me to get firsthand experience teaching children before I take on a class of my own. It also allows me to see the process of teaching a choir, which as an instrumental music education student, I wouldn't have otherwise. That is unfortunate because choir has always been one of my favorite experiences and I would love to have the opportunity to teach it one day. On Saturday mornings, I assist Julia Church Hoffman with the logistics of the Music Prep School and I get to see the administrative and behind the scenes tasks that it takes to run a school. During audition season (whether that's All-State or scholarship auditions) I'm often among the volunteers who help escort students to their audition