What is a Community Assessment? A community assessment provides an overview of the city as a whole and can be a focused assessment in the specific individuals’ surrounding area in which the individual resides. The assessment includes the location and description of the area, a makeup of the community (age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status), services provided and ease of access, safety issues of the public, and areas of concern in health care. All of which can be divided in age related subcategories and areas in need of improvement. This community assessment will also include how the role of the Registered Nurse can play a part in the Community.
Area Assessed? Ocala, Florida resides in Marion County, …show more content…
According to the WellFlorida Council Marion County Community Health Assessment, Marion County as a whole is a predominantly White population of 81.5 percent, a minority of Black population at 12.7 percent, and Hispanics at 11.2 percent. 54 percent of the population is ages 18-64, 26.3 percent being age 65 and up, 19.2 percent is age 17 or younger (2015). The socioeconomic status that resides in Marion County is below the all-around Florida …show more content…
In the WellFlorida Council Marion County Community Health Assessment, the average of primary care physicians to persons is 1893 to 1, Florida as a whole being 1423 to 1. The dentist to person ratio being 2811 to 1 and Florida as a whole being 1874 to 1. Mental Health Providers to person ratio is 1196 to 1, Florida being 744 to 1 (2015). Lack of availability in Marion County are all above the Florida ratios. The overall health in Marion County is not up to par with the Florida average. As Stated by WellFlorida Council, “Marion County has a substantially higher mortality rate than the state for all ten of the ten leading causes of death in Florida.” In the United States, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention determines the leading causes of death. Currently the top ten leading causes of death are heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, unintentional injuries, stroke, Alzheimers disease, diabetes, suicide, nephritis, and liver disease (Center for Disease Control and prevention, 2016). Marion County per 100,000 population totals at 804.5 including all leading causes of death, whereas Florida is 679.3 per 100,000 population. The highest leading cause of death in Marion County is Heart Disease (WellFlorida, 2015). For all the leading causes of death they can be prevented or receive treatment to help in potential health outcomes. Health education can be an