Over three centuries ago, West Milton, Ohio, was discovered by a group of Quaker settlers in the year 1796. A settler named Joseph Evans, called the place Milton. He chose this name in regards to his daughter’s …show more content…
However, I will include the top four reasons for demise in Miami County. Heart disease ranks number one followed in order by cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. The death rates per 100,000 people are as follows: Heart disease 189.1, cancer 175.3, chronic lower respiratory disease 46.2, and Alzheimer’s disease 37.6 (Ohio Department of Health, Center for Public Health Statistics and Informatics, 2010). Unfortunately, the loss of a child occurs on occasion; so, I have incorporated the mortality rates of infants into this topic. According to the Ohio Department of Health, the infant death rate in Miami County was 6.1 for a ten year period beginning in 2004 and ending in 2013 (Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, …show more content…
The second issue needing addressed is heart disease, which could be related to improper medical care, diet, or lack of exercise. Only one doctor is located in West Milton, and he does not specialize in cardiac issues. Individuals may not be getting the proper education required to alleviate and prevent symptoms of the disease. Another concern is respiratory diseases, living in a farming community means lots of dust and chemicals enter the air. I feel the village has tried to address respiratory issues by hosting seminars at the local library. For example, Jerry Mc Glothen, a cardiopulmonary specialist, spoke at the Milton-Union Public Library in February regarding the value of healthy lungs (Milton-Union Public Library,