When I was assigned the community engagement assignment I had no idea what I wanted to do for it. So I thought about what is something that I do not have a lot experience in so I can try to better myself as a person. Growing up I never really attended church. Attending church is something that I have been thinking about starting recently, I just have never got myself to go. I have wanted to learn more about religion and it is interesting to me. The one thing my mom has said that she regrets is not having me go to church to learn about religion. This assignment has gave me the push to start going. One of my friends here at UNI found out about a group of students at UNI that meet every Friday night at the Bethany Bible …show more content…
I also interviewed one of my good friends that goes to UNI that has attended events with this group before. He said that it is a great group of people to be around and is a lot of fun with the activities they do. He also said that they are very welcoming to people who want to learn more about religion, for me this was the icing on the cake to get the reinsurance from a friend that this would be a good fit for me. (Braught) I plan on getting involved by showing up and participating with them. This is the hard part for me because it 's out of my comfort zone. The more times I go the more comfortable I will be with the group. I can show this involvement and growth by documenting the time spent with this group. I think with this group I will have a lot of growth as an individual meeting new people and getting involved with something for the first time.
Making the choice to pick Friday Night Ignite as my community engagement project will end up being a great choice. I have wanted to learn more about religion and this has given me great way for me to do that. It also lets me have a great time with new people and gets me out of my comfort zone. I am excited to experience the growth I have with this group and my personal growth in becoming a better well rounded human being. I can not wait to start to participate with this