Sample Wellness Assessment Papers

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Wellness Assessment Paper
Two results that were surprising or helpful to me were my physical nutrition subtotal and financial average because I didn’t think that I was doing okay financially and doing everything right. Also, my physical nutrition was a surprise to because I thought I was doing everything but turns out I need to do some more work and improve on it a little bit. Having better physical nutrition can be motivated by my goal to lose weight and become a healthier person. This is all connected back to the holism theory which states that for most needs to be motivated and have some motivation to improve on and they also need to be arranged on a hierarchy.
One real-life example from my life is when this summer I decided to do something about my weight and started working out. This example is related back to my physical nutrition because I
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In my relationships with others the incorporation of some of these results will help me talk to people more in my community, volunteer at some local places in my community, and be outgoing and very vocal about the things I am passionate about. I am not a very talkative and outspoken person so that is something I could improve on and get on there and explore new things.These are all examples from my own life that I need to improve and work on to bring myself of my shelf and comfort zone.
Overall, this wellness assessment has been a very eye- opening experience for me that I will forever remember and come back to in my life. Some of the scores surprised me and some of them didn’t shock me at all like my emotional average and my financial average. Taking this wellness assessment at first, I was scared that there were going to be weird and nasty sounding. But now after taking this assessment I realize it wasn’t as bad as I thought and was really simple, easy, and

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