Even though the fetus is still developing, doesn’t it have a claim to life? It can still claim as a life, even how small they are. I still remember once I visited a Catholic church that accepted aborted babies from local hospitals, and performed last rites then buried them. I went through a room in the church where the bodies were kept. I felt like I could hear babies crying. The sound filled the room inside me. It was a bitter sound and expressed so much sadness and anger toward their parents. It was hard for me to bear. I broke down and cried for them, their parents, and a world that would never know them beyond the room I was sharing with them. I hoped heaven would welcome them. This experience confirmed my own belief about abortion. It is wrong. It is a sin. The act of community is causing a deep tear between the parents and God. The deep hurt I felt has been felt too many times to be able to count. The innocent children don’t have to be responsible for your mistakes and an abortion is a euphemism of to kill …show more content…
Abortion techniques were developed as early as 1550 BC, as it gets to practice on Greece and Rome. It was unregulated and often unsafe for doing that. In the United States, it is legal to abort a baby up until the day of birth. An abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth which results in the deaths of an embryo or a fetus. Countless people consider abortion as cruel as murder. After many decades of the U.S Supreme Courts’ Roe v.Wade decision, there are a lot of much debate over whether or not abortion should be legal. According to the article, “State Facts About Abortion: Oregon,” it proves that “As of 2014, some 60% of women having abortions were in their 20s; 59% had one or more children; 86% were unmarried; 75% were economically disadvantaged, and 62% reported a religious affiliation.” It can be shown that at the early ages, a lot of them were getting pregnant as they don’t know about the basic knowledge of the problem. As they did not believe they would get pregnant or had concerns about contraceptive methods. Also, by getting an abortion can affect their future pregnancies as it is really hard for them to have a baby later on. Perhaps, their many reasons a woman chooses to have an abortion. Maybe they can't afford a pregnancy and a child. Probably they have health problems. Maybe they are not part of a place in their lives where they can properly care for a child. Or maybe, they just do not like to have