Essay On Abortion Pro Choice

Decent Essays
Abortion should be pro-choice. We decide what we want for our body. If a woman feels like she can’t support a baby, or if she was raped and doesn’t want to keep the infant she shouldn’t have to. It should all come down to the person’s decision. Many people argue on wheatear abortion should be illegal or legal. To make a decision everyone should listen to other women’s stories about their experience with abortion. One thing that almost everyone can agree on is that it’s the woman’s choice since it’s her body. She knows what’s best for her body. There are good reasons to use abortion in some cases. Sometimes life is too hard and abortion may seem like the only answer. If the woman has no family support or isn’t financially stable she won’t be able to take care of a baby properly. Abortion is mainly used due to cases of rape. Especially when the rape victim is a minor and gets pregnant. Medical issues play a big role is rape abortions. Since the victims can be so young that trying to have a baby could cause life threatening issues. Abortion may not be the only answer in cases of rape though, you could use adoption. By using adoption you are giving that baby a fighting chance at a better life. …show more content…
Most think of it as murder. Life begins at the moment of conception. There is a big debate on when you can count the baby as a living human being. There are many religious beliefs that abortion is murder. A baby is seen as God’s gift. Each baby is created for a reason. Also people say that by having an abortion it may be hard to become pregnant again. There is always a chance of complication during the surgery. Also there is risk that something could go wrong and may lead to death. Some women do suffer from severe depression after the surgery. Others have great stress and feel guilty for years after. Some women try to use abortion as a birth control. Which is irresponsible and

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