Essay On Abortion A Woman's Right

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Is Abortion A Woman’s Right? A very controversial topic in the world, still today, is abortion. Some feel that abortion goes against their morals and religious beliefs. Others strongly believe that abortion is a woman’s right to decide. Personally, I believe it is a woman’s choice, because they know what is best for them. This debate between being for or against abortion has been going on since Roe won the Roe v. Wade case in 1973. As we have learned from history classes, Roe was a soon-to-be-mother who tried Texas’ laws because she wanted an abortion. Although, at the time the only way a woman was allowed to receive abortions were if a doctor said the woman was at risk of having the baby. The Roe v. Wade case made a big difference because …show more content…
Being that they are legal in the United States “…nearly one- third of American Women will have an abortion” (U.S. Abortion Statistics). Abortions are similar to any other contraceptives such as birth control pill, plan b (the morning after pill), the ring, the implant, and female and male condoms, etc. However, the government, who supplies these contraceptives to women and girls who cannot afford them, are helping support abortion. If the government wanted to stop abortion they would strongly enforce the other contraceptives, stop allowing the government’s welfare insurance to pay for abortions, and enforce the doctors not to give abortions to healthy mothers. Abortion Statistics stated that women with Medicaid are three times higher than other women (U.S. Abortion Statistics). “The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights” (Lowen). So antiabortionist should not blame the people for doing what is legal and to some what is already paid for. Antiabortionist also argue that it is against religious beliefs and that it should be a law against abortion. However, the government keeps religion separate from …show more content…
Most women or girls who have sexual intercourse use contraceptives and still become pregnant due to malfunctions. About 85% of women who resort to abortion are not married, nevertheless, 51% of those women used the contraceptive method when they became pregnant. Moreover, only 8% of women who are sexually active have never used a form of birth control (U.S. Abortion Statistics). The reasons for these women not to keep their unborn child were: the child would interfere with school or work, they would not be able to afford the child, or they did not want to be a single parent (U.S. Abortion Statistics). Girls who become pregnant at an early age and most, if not all, of these reasons apply to them turn to abortion as a reasonable solution. Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. “They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced” (Lowen). On average about 18% of teenagers result to abortions and in 2010 adolescents under fifteen counted as 0.05% of all abortions, but had the highest ratio 851 abortions: 1,000 live births (U.S. Abortion Statistics). With this being said, protesters against abortion should not be fighting for abortion laws, but to push for better contraceptives before it leads to a woman having to choose

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