Where ever that Is there will always be a percentage of society that is totally against it. Many have made their minds up and seem convinced that abortion is murder. That if you decide to go through and abort the little being inside you, that will be considered terminating a life. Feminist Joyce Arthur writes "a fertilized egg… [represents] a potential, not an actual human being. It 's a worm cliché, but it bears repeating-an acorn isn 't an oak tree and the egg you had for breakfast isn 't a chicken" (24). So can do you see that pro-life advocates believe there 's potential life at stake. Pro-life advocates feel that because contraceptives are imperfect, and so are we as human beings, why should the unborn child suffer the fate of death and termination. “So great is the skill, so powerful the drug, of the abortionists, paid to murder mankind within the womb” (Critchlow 1). There is an extensive process when the human egg is fertilized, "when a human egg is fertilized by the sperm cell, resulting zygote has a complete DNA which contains all genetics needed for the unborn child to reach adulthood" (Marzilli 25). That is why pro-life advocates feel that the embryo is a life already and who are you to terminate and not bring this gift to light. There 's several controversies a lot of mixed emotions on abortion that both sides have strong opinions on why you should keep the life and why you should have the choice to terminate. According to CDC reports, "82-92% of all abortions occur during the first trimester, before the 13th week of gestation." Pro-life advocates argue that there are other options versus completely aborting the unwanted pregnancy. That option would be to choose to place the baby in an adoption agency where it surely will go to a loving home. It all comes down to how you see it, can you live with knowing that you could have kept that gift of life, can you live with the thoughts of the day you decided to terminate and have that abortion. Pro-life advocates do have very convincing motions. "Opponents of abortion rights have moved in on that ambivalence, with language such as 'baby, ' 'unborn child, ' and even 'murder ' and 'murderer ' to bolster their essential message. That message is a fetus is a person with an independent existence and the same moral rights as an adult person" (Hadley 59). It all comes down to your personal feelings and beliefs and what you can live with. But now we must look at the other half of the people who are pro-choice. Pro-choice advocates want the right to choose and say yes …show more content…
Abortion every 90 seconds: the whole story. 2015 Print
Hadley, Janet. Abortion: between freedom and necessity. 1996 Print
Marzilli, Alan. Fetal Rights. New York: 2006 Print
Pollitt, Katha. Pro: Reclaiming Abortion as Good for Society. 2014