Persuasive Essay: Why NASA Deserves More Funding

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NASA Deserves More Funding
As a federal agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) receives it’s funding from the annual federal budget passed by the United States Congress. For the fiscal year of 2017, NASA’s budget was $19.5 billion. This number being only about 0.489% of the total US budget at $4 trillion. However, the American public on average, believes NASA’s budget has a much larger share of the federal budget than it actually does. Space Exploration beyond the surface of the Earth is a great way to learn about the galaxy, and to find out if there are other forms of life on other planets. The satellites scientists use to monitor the weather, atmosphere, and even to track the movement of hurricanes and typhoons
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Billionaire Elon Musk founder and CEO of SpaceX a American aerospace company, believes we need NASA’s budget to be higher, to allow humans to become a multi-planet species and to ensure the survival of the human race. NASA will spend $3.7 billion dollars to further develop the Space Launch System, a heavy- lift rocket that will potentially carry astronauts to the Moon, Mars, and into deep space. I personally believe NASA deserves more funds, because I think eventually the world is going to have some-sort of disaster and everyone must evacuate. If NASA would be funded more by the Government, we could potentially have a colony on the Moon and Mars and other places throughout our Galaxy. I believe the U.S. military budget should stay about the same, we need to defend our country during times of threats, with countries such as North Korea. The Department of Defense budget is currently $574.5 billion which makes it the largest component of the U.S’s government. Overall, I believe Space Exploration is crucial for the survival and longevity of the human race. Any Type of horrible disaster on Earth such as a large famine, nuclear war, and rising ocean levels, could lead the way for people to evacuate Earth, and boosting NASA’s budget would only

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