Before we get to the gory details of dissecting these articles, one must understand the difference of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) bias and NASA science. NASA has bias in all things public relations related to space exploration whether they are calling attention to …show more content…
She blatantly lists the statistics of actual costs involved in space exploration and continues her article by explaining, “space travel is not cheap – in terms of money or risks” (Farrar). While the article is neither for or against the topic of space exploration, it does present both sides of the debate and leaves it up to the audience to decide where they stand on the issue. Farrar uses an evaluation claim by presenting uncontested facts involved in the discussion and “use[s] examples and other evidence to show that the thing being evaluated meets or…the criteria” (290). She does so in such a way that she displays the appearance of logic and balanced bias for both