This is a huge problem because if we keep reproducing like this, then there will be too many new people, and not enough space to put them. We see first hand this problem in our everyday lives, look at the amount of students in classes, the amount of traffic on the streets, the overcrowding in our jails and hospitals. This is just some examples of how overpopulation could be the end of the entire human race. This is why space exploration is vital to save the human race. With space exploration, we could find habitable planets for us to live on. This will eliminate the possibility for the human race to become extinct. Daniel Hohler claims, that “ We need somewhere to put all these people, or we all might end up living in skyscrapers, see all animal’s habitats destroyed, and smog up the air beyond what is breathable” (Planet Save). This would be a horrible world to live in, and not the kind of place anyone would want to live in. This a big problem in the world, but people refuse to focus on the problem, and try to fix it. Instead they are focusing on other problems like wars, and terrorism. Without space exploration there will not be enough people left to fight any wars, or find ways to stop the terrorist acts. This is a huge problem, yet people will not think …show more content…
They do not know that space exploration is vital to their survival, or that they need space exploration to keep living the same lives they do today. They also take for granted the items that are now available to use thanks to NASA, which was created for space exploration. In a chart from Gallup, they show 68% of Americans think space exploration costs are justified (Majority of Americans Say Space Program Costs Justified). Space exploration is important for the human race to evolve, and to avoid extinction. People need to consider space exploration important and continue funding the program. If people do not keep this program alive then the world will continue on a downward spiral, and might not be able to recover in time. Life without space exploration could mean there is no life, is that a risk we should be willing to